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Life on the ground in Israel

It was because people thought he was the weather man

Shalom from Israel. Today is promising to be another gorgeous Spring day in Jerusalem.

I want to finish up Tuesday afternoon and the adventures I had in the old city before I get to the activities of Wednesday. I spent about an hour talking with Moshe at Shorashim. We solved all the problems of the world, or so we thought. Dov and Moshe are really great guys and I love visiting them when I can. They are in-the-know of what is going on in Israel and I value their opinions.

As I had gone by earlier, I noticed a group in the store looking at me. Zola always said it was because people thought he was the weather man when people looked like they recognized him. When I went back to talk to Moshe, he said that they had known who I was and they were so happy that Zola’s ministry had gone on.

As we were talking, in walks another tall Texan, John Brown with Zion Oil. I had just seen him in Orlando less than 3 weeks ago. I am telling you, it is a small world! Another lady from Hawaii came up to me and told me that she had watched Zola for years and that was the reason she was in Israel. God is so good to me.

I made my way to the Western Wall and prayed.

As I was leaving the old city I saw Gerald Schroeder. I loved watching he and Zola talk. Talk about two brains, those two were a sight to see. Gerald and his family sent condolences when Zola got sick and kept in touch. He even prayed for Zola at the Western Wall. Nice memories and good to see him.

Being in the city, I see the signs of Spring and there is no more beautiful time of the year in Israel than now.

Wednesday, Will and I had the privilege of being on a press junket to Sderot, Kfar Gaza, and Kerem Shalom. We were with about 18 other reporters on the trip sponsored by Media Central. This is a group that helps foreign journalists with information about Israel. They set up media tours and have an office for journalists—something that is needed here in Israel.

I knew Spring was here, but when I got outside of Jerusalem, I could really see the green grass and the blooming flowers and trees. Just gorgeous. It makes you glad to be alive.

At the Sderot police station with Kassam rocketsWe left about 8:30am and did not get back to Jerusalem until almost 8pm. But it was OK, because I wanted to see what was going on in that area. I will write more about it for the May Levitt Letter. Briefly we met with IDF spokesmen and we got to see the police station with mortars at Sderot. This is the same police station at which Jeff filmed a segment for the Daniel series. I learned that the color of the metal of a rocket will tell bomb squads who the terrorist group is. Green metal is Hamas, black is Jihad. Interesting and scary at the same time. These mortars are made in home workshops, so it is very hard to find all of the terrorist.

Sandra with Hava Gad from the Sderot parent’s councilI will tell you another thing that the IDF Captain told us: The Terrorists use sheep filled with explosives and send them to the army borders. The soldiers will not shoot a sheep and so they blow up, most of the time injuring soldiers. We met with a mother from Sderot and we were shown the elementary school her son attends—and the bars and cement surrounding it.

Sandra with retired Brig. General Tzivika Fogel near the Kerem Shalom crossingWe also met with a retired Brig. General. He was very interesting in his opinions of what Israel should do and whether or not there will be another war.

And finally, we saw the border of Kerem Shalom. This is the place where Gilad Schalit was kidnapped. In the Jerusalem Post this morning, there is talk that the deal for his return is almost done. We must keep praying for him.

Speaking of news from the Jerusalem Post… Now the BBC has conducted a survey that ranks Israel alongside Iran and the United States as the countries with the most negative images in the world. They Surveyed 28,000 people in 27 countries. Like the BBC is not one of the most anti-Israel, anti-American media outlets in the world.
: This is why, Danny Seaman (Israel Government Press Director), Israel needs pro-Israel journalists like Will king.

Just so you know that Israel is not some backward country: The Dallas Mavericks won! In the Jerusalem Post!

I am back at the computer book store. Marietta—the widow—and I are getting along just fine. She is so precious.

Several of you have asked where I stay in Jerusalem. I stay at Little House of Baka. Sweet place… not big, but with really nice people.

Off to meet friends for a late brunch.

2 Responses to “It was because people thought he was the weather man”

  1. Dortha Spurgeon Says:

    My Dear Sweet Sandra,
    How happy I am for you that you are once again in your beloved Israel and with your precious Will…..I do not have the words to tell you how much you are loved and appreciated for all that you do….You are truly a ray of sunshine with God’s love freely flowing from you.

    Have a wonderful time in Israel and I am praying for God’s heavenly protection to be with you each moment.

    I just today caught your blogs here and I can’t wait to read each one below….I first started with your first one and then came to this last one, now I will go back and read all of them…..So happy for your friends who have rented a place for a couple months to stay there…that is wonderful.

    I am a member of Omega letter and Jack Kinsella fell in love with you and Jeff…He could not say enough good things about you and your ministry, of course a lot of us already knew, but it was so good to read his report after he was with you in Dallas and then also later in Florida.
    God bless you my dear one…keep up the good work and enjoy your beautiful Israel, you make us feel like we are right there with you….God bless you.

  2. Deb C Says:

    Shalom Sandra!!!
    I have just discovered that you are home again!!! May you be Blessed beyond measure as you journey through your homeland. The Little House of Baka is beautiful. Would be a great place to stay. Glad to hear that Becky and Marshall are also able to share time with you. To have friends around is a great gift from our Father. Ralph and I pray that Yeshua protects and keeps you safe (As always) and that you are able to share much with us from Israel. Have a great tour and time of refreshment. Will always remember Israel as “HOME” and will be back soon. Will continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Deb