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Life on the ground in Israel

I love walking in the sunshine

Psalms 136:1, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

There was something so nice about our Thanksgiving being on Shabbat.  Saturday dawned cool and quiet.  I am always amazed at how things stop and slow down and how quiet it gets on Shabbat—hardly any cars on the roads and no shops open.  I can really hear the birds singing and people talking instead of cars rushing and horns and business all around.

At breakfast, I met a couple from Tampa, Florida, who was the U.S. representative for the B’hai faith in Haifa. He said that during the Lebannon war this summer, the B’hai kept the lights on at all times and went about taking care of the gardens.  The gardens are one of the major sites in Haifa and are incredibly beautiful.  They do require full time maintenance. He said it was their way of not acknowledging the war. Sort of like the guy wind surfing in the ocean as the sirens were going off.

I love stories like these.  The human spirit in trying times is really encouraging. Morris was also there getting ready to visit friends for Shabbat.  Add to the mix were Israeli’s and now some new French.  As they say, I would love to be a fly on the wall.

As I walked to Will’s, the morning was crisp, clear and cool (60’s) and so quiet.  I was reminded again to listen to the sounds of life and God. I caught myself humming “On the Sunny Side of the Street.”  Really, one side was very sunny and the side was in the shade.  I loved walking in the sunshine.

I cooked most of the day and got things ready for our guests.  We had deviled eggs (why are they called that?), turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, corn, baked potatoes, salad, gravy, and Pecan Pie.  All in all, it was quite tasty.  I was kinda proud of my cooking.  We had 5 Americans and one German.

It was the German’s first Thanksgiving. She looked at the cranberrry sauce with some skeptism, but in the end liked everything.  After I thought about it, cranberry sauce out of the can does look a little odd.  We all talked about past Thanksgivings and how we are so blessed.

I am blessed.  Yes, it has been a hard year, but I am blessed.

2 Responses to “I love walking in the sunshine”

  1. Arle Says:

    2nd. Corinthians 1 verse 3 The God of All Comfort
    3Praise be to the G-d and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the G-d of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from G-d. 5For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. 6If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. 7And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort…

    Blessed are those who mourn they will be comforted…You cannot Lead anyone through something that you have not been through yourself… Enjoy Every Moment! The Joy of the L-rd is our Strength! PRAISE/Worship! PRAISE/Worship! PRAISE/Worship! Thank him for your Great Beauty ( you are so Beautiful inside and out)- Thank him that your in the Holy Land! Thank him for the Knowledge of his Kingdom! It’s Priceless! Know that whatever we are going through- Good or Bad- “This to shall pass”…

    Enjoy every step of your Journey!

    May the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Bless/comfort/strenghten/protect you and all you care for today and always…

    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem, Psalm 122 verse 6…

    Love and Respect,


  2. Kenneth Says:

    Dear Sandra, Jeff and Zola Levitt Ministries Staff:

    I love reading about your trips to Israel, and how beautiful the land is that God promised to the seed of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. I sure believe it from the pictures I see. Enjoy your trips!

