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Life on the ground in Israel

I guess I am ready to cook tomorrow

Psalms: 25:20,21 “Keep my soul, and deliver me; Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in You. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, For I wait for You.”

Shabbat Shalom

To not be a holiday in Israel, I have been busy. Will and I went to a concert at the Jerusalem Symphony on Wednesday night. It was a delightful evening. I am reminded of the culture of Israel and how it takes my mind off of the trials and tribulations of life. A great deal of effort goes into each day and it was nice to have a break and listen to some beautiful music.

Thursday, Will and I went to Focaccia Restaurant for our Thanksgiving lunch—probably my second favorite restaurant in Jerusalem. We walked to the grocery store for the turkey breast and 6 turkey legs. I guess I am ready to cook tomorrow. Someone could really make this an off off Broadway play.

I Met with Marliane last night for dinner. She and her husband Marlin were pilgrims with us many years ago. It was good to see her and talk about the tour. It is one of the things I love about the tours. People love the Lord and they love Israel. There is just something about Israel that keeps you coming back again and again.

We had lunch with Sharon Sanders from Christian Friends of Israel. Good fellowship at the Ticho House. As Zola would say,”they are one of the good guys.” CFI has been in Israel 20 years plus, helping where they are needed.

The day is winding down and the shops are starting to close. Shabbat will be about 4pm, so everyone is hurrying home to get ready. I bought flowers from the market today.

Barbara Sofer has a right-on-target article titled “So, like, I am Offended” today in the Jerusalem Post. She takes to task Amy Gutmann, President of the University of Pennsylvania, regarding the photo of her and a student posing as a terrorist. Barbara is a graduate of Penn and she makes the point that Ms. Gutmann was not as put off by the costume as she should have been.

I know it is old news to some, but it is still worth repeating. I know when I get on a bus, or enter a restaurant, I look at people differently in Israel than I do in the States. I am wondering if someone has a bomb around their waist. True, it is still much safer here, but I still look and wonder. Having seen the results of the terrorists makes me much more aware of the wreckage they have done. If Ms. Gutmann, as pro-Israel as she is, really understands, then she needs to stand up and lead. I, too, am offended that we can just so casually say “I am sorry” and that makes everything go away. The evil in this world does not go away.

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