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Life on the ground in Israel

Thanksgiving is coming together

Matthew 24:7,8,  “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

I got to talk a little more to Morris (from Florida) this morning.  His son and daughter live here.  I get the feeling he is lonely.  Please pray for him.  He went to the Holocaust Museum yesterday, said that there were too many bad memories there for him.  I did not press the issue.  He said he stayed an hour. That is not very long to see the museum, but taken what he has been through, probably enough. We cannot forget.

Thanksgiving is coming together.  I have almost everything except the turkey breast and legs.  Will and I decided not to get the big bird, but to buy the pieces.  I am planning on getting everything by tomorrow.  Will and I have a luncheon on Friday afternoon and I want to make sure all is bought before then. Shabbat will start about 4pm, Friday, and then nothing opens up again until about 5:30pm on Saturday.

After lunch yesterday, I went by and said hello to everyone at Bridges for Peace—a really a good group of people who love the Lord and Israel.  I am glad to see them. I saw Will’s office and how they make the radio programs.  It’s very up-to-date. Always good to be with believers.

Most of Israel is in shock regarding the rocket killing in Sderot. I don’t think anyone knows quite what to say or do.  How much worse can it get?  Rockets just keep coming into Israel and the World condemns Israel.

I am amazed that I am amazed #1:  News in the Jerusalem Post today: “Court asserts legality of civil marriages of Israeli Jews who marry abroad.”  It sounds so simple.  If you are married out of the country of Israel to an Israeli citizen, the union is legal.  Problem:  there are countries that recognize same sex marriages.  This, too, will be OK in Israel.  The court has ruled.

I am amazed that I am amazed #2:  How can Pierre Gemayel be assassinated in broad daylight after leaving a church.  He was the Lebanon minister of Industry and a Christian.   My prayers are with his family and his country.

4 Responses to “Thanksgiving is coming together”

  1. Arle Masters Says:

    When Zola departed this scripture came from my Spirit and again with the news of Pierre Gemayel…Psalm 116:15 (Amplified Bible)
    Precious (important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones)/ and then this scripture comes to my Spirit Psalm 37:13

    The Lord laughs at [the wicked], for He sees that their own day [of defeat] is coming. I was in a Grocery Store for about an hour today- and my heart is so very sad- I tell you they look like walking corpse’s… They are Spiritually dead and do not know… My Generation is known as the Baby Boomers- and the next generation is known as Generation X- Obesity is so bad in America that many people call them Generation XL… The top two reasons for death in America are Malnutrition (from eating to much) and Smoking… satan has most people in such bondage… We must pray and fast for Unity in the Body of Yeshau,and the Lost the Rapture of his Church is imminent… Received the Levitt letter today and what a great game from the Left Behind series… Also just in case you have grand-babies- game-boy has 2 Holy Bible games- I tell my son if he’s going to spend time playing a game he might as well learn something that will benefit his life- Romans 12 says to renew your mind – that is a great way for the little ones to learn scripture… G-d is so amazing! Enjoy your Thanks-giving…

    May the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Bless you and all you care for…

    See You in Heaven or sooner…

    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem…


    Arle Masters

  2. Bill Turner Says:

    Just began to follow your wonderful web site, although I have known of the ministry of Zola for years and heard him speak on a number of occasions (what a privilege!). Recently returned from Israel and am anxious to go back “home.” I also feel very close to Messiah when I visit the Old City and still have a clear vision of the traffic “jam” I experienced as a shepherd took his flock through the crowded city and across a small field. I had a clear vision of life being just as it was in earlier times. I have a special affinity for many who live in Israel but have not come to accept the truth of their surroundings. It is interesting that your blog referred to the on-going rocket fire, uncertainty and doubt. G-D has outlined the plans and I am confident in the outcome as long as I remain faithful to his calling for redemption. I trust you and the ministry will be blessed in the months and years to come.

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem….

    Bill Turner

  3. Karen Miller Says:

    I am a faithful one who followed sense before Zola’s promotion, and have still remained faithful to ZLM. There were times where I didn’t know if this was what G-d wanted me to do but I “stayed” until He told me otherwise. He has told me otherwise, that this is “Most definately what He wants me to continue to do, which is prayerfully, and financially stand behind ZLM. It is almost like the “Goal” of ZLM has even gotten more urgent. So I am glad that I didn’t change anything in regards to my envolvment with this Bold, almost Born Again Ministry,(please don’t take this as saying that Zola’s work was dead, his hands were just so ironly tied, that with his passing, and TBN’s desertion, ZLM has in a sense, to me been Re-awakened. Thank you Sandra, for youyr blog from Israel. I am convicted of how I really need to step up my prayer for these prescious people, who live every minute of the day, not knowing if they will see the sunset. Like you, I just can’t wait for Justice, Godly Justice, for these people, and for when every knee shall bow, and every mouth confess that Yeshua is Lord and King. My prayers are with you. Karen Miller Jeffersonville, IN USA

  4. Diane L.Williams Says:

    Dear Sandra, I second your amazed that your amazed #2. Not only was it in broad daylight but under the nose of the U.N. and most of the known world who are suppose to be their maintaining order. I’ve got a #3 amazed that your amazed. It seems that Rick Warren was in Syria praising leaders for their religious tolerence. Is he miguided or what. Syria, tolerent??? That is the biggest oxy-moronic statement ever. I will pray G-d will open his eyes and heart. I will do this when I pray for the peace of Jeruselem! Diane L. Williams, Mt. Sterling,Kentucy USA