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Life on the ground in Israel

Rockets launched at Sderot again

Genesis 50:20, “But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”

Joseph could have said to save many people, period. Why does the word “alive” matter? Because I think he was referring to both the physical and the spiritual death. God saved his life over and over again. Joseph knows the horrible things that have happened to him and yet God meant it for good. How many people do we know that are really dead in their spirits? Not just a physically, but spiritually? I have repeated this scripture many a time when I thought evil might win.

The big news of the day is the rockets being launched at Sderot again. Everyone is waiting to see what Israel will do and when. Zola’s solution to the problem was “when the Arab wakes up and does not kill anyone and in turn, no one would have to defend themselves, and the same thing would happen the next day and so on… Then there would be peace”.

Headline in the Jerusalem Post is: “Amara would deny automatic citizenship to converts.” This is the major story on the front page. The ship is sinking and the Rabbi is worried about who is a Jew.

I look forward to reading the editorial in the Jerusalem Post each day now. Today’s is titled “Gillerman was right.” “During Friday’s debate on an anti-Israel UN General Assembly, Gillerman turned to the French delegation and asked, “If France was shelled across the border, what would the French do? Would the French government send flowers to the attackers? Well, by voting for this resolution you will be sending flowers to the terrorists, flowers which tomorrow will be laid on the grave of the next Israeli victim.”

The editor sums it up like this, “Undiplomatic? Certainly. Counterproductive? Maybe. Deserved? In spades.”

Israel is a great place to people-watch. I was waiting for Will at Zion Square and loved watching the different kinds of people walking by. The shoes this winter season seem to be boots. All kinds of boots: furry ones, high heel ones, short ones and my favorite, cowboy boots. I am seeing cowboy boots on so many women it almost looks like Texas.

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