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Life on the ground in Israel

You have not lived until you have bowled in Jerusalem

Friday’s weather could not have been more perfect! Not a cloud in sight, with temperatures about 70. It was a great day to walk around and just be outdoors.

Will and I walked to Ben Yehuda Street. It was so crowded it reminded me of being in the middle of Manhattan—people everywhere getting ready for the Shabbat—hurrying and hurrying—buying last minute dinner items, challah, and flowers. I love seeing the Shabbat coming.

After lunch, we took the bus. It was crowded with people trying to get home before sundown. Sundown in Jerusalem is at 4:03pm and that is when Shabbat begins. We got off and went bowling. You have not lived until you have bowled in Jerusalem—ten lanes, lots of loud music and kids everywhere. We had a great time and walked back to Will’s apartment. We are having Shabbat dinner with one of Will’s friends later. I am tired of walking.

Tomorrow will be a day of rest. Most places will be closed and there will be few cars on the road. Things really come to a halt on the Shabbat. It helps me to pause and remember to rest in the Lord.

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