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Life on the ground in Israel

I am challenging you

We are making a new Zola Levitt Presents series called “Daniel and the Last Days Battle for Planet Earth.” It is about Daniel and the wars that are coming. I have not studied Daniel in a long time, so I have enjoyed rereading it. Berg Productions was in Israel doing some filming during the Fall tour. Jeff’s teaching is right on target. He even got to drive a jeep in several of the programs. I had the privilege of interviewing some very interesting people regarding the end times. It should be a terrific set of programs.

So why do I speak of this now? Jeff challenged me to do more Bible studying. So, now I am challenging you. I do a women’s Bible study each week, but this is in addition to what I do each day. It is important for me to know what is going on and how it relates to my world. Once I started reading Daniel, it became clear that I need to spend more time in the Bible.

This morning in Jerusalem is cloudy and cool. It has not rained, but it’s very cloudy. My adventures in the markets are always funny to Will. I stopped in several shops looking for a couple of potatoes. They come in bags here, not individually. So, in my very broken Hebrew I asked for “stiem (2) potato”—kinda half Hebrew and half English. It worked! The clerk opened a bag and took out 2 potatoes. Funny American.

I stopped by the other market looking for the pie crust. The manager looked and me and hollered “pie crust lady” to the entire store. The downside is that he will have no pie crusts for at least two weeks. I am so glad I can give the Israelis something to laugh about. The hunt goes on.

One of the items in the Jerusalem Post this morning is so funny. Yael Nezri, Miss Israel, has gotten permission not to bear arms during her military service. Military officials said Nezri, 18, had been exempted from carrying a weapon after persuading her commanders claiming that her gun barrel bruised her legs. It seems she is continuing her modeling career during her mandatory national service.

Front page news included the following: “Jerusalem is declared a wonder.” USA Today and Good Morning America have joined forces to pick their own “Seven Wonders of the New World.” The Old City of Jerusalem was chosen as number two. I say about time. For me, Jerusalem is number ONE!

Also news was the killing of an innocent Muslim woman (married to a Jewish man) in Sderot by Kassam rockets fired from the northern Gaza strip. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. Injured was Defense Minister Amir Peretz‘s body guard, who in fact has had both legs amputated. I ask, how is this responsible and where is the outrage? Enough is enough. Why are the Palestinians firing from Gaza? Israel left that part of Gaza. The Palestinians came in and tore down the greenhouses and started infighting. So, my question is, who are they mad at now? Themselves?

If you can find Cal Thomas’ article, “The Biggest Winners,” read it. Bottom line is that our enemies are excited about the elections and feel that they won.

7 Responses to “I am challenging you”

  1. Arle Says:

    Hey-Your so blessed to have access to all of the commentary/teaching from Zola, Jeff, and your family and Friends-! WOW! Doesn’t the L-rd know that we need to study- and we have no time for Laundry! We must have servants- or new clothes! LOL… I keep praying! Getting serious now- I believe that a “push” should be made to make anti-semitism a GLOBAL CRIME! When watching “The Diary of Anne Frank” as a small child- I wondered how anything like that ever happened… It’s happening again except on a much larger scale- I think we have to POINT all people who claim to be “Christians” to Matthew 27:11… Many people LOVE Yeshua/Jesus and hate Jews…Maybe Zola’s “The trouble with Christians and the Trouble with Jews” should be mass-released with a new cover to appeal to Generation X … Hosea 4:6- my people will be DESTROYED for lack of Knowledge… I read another comment- about people not being able to understand and this scripture came to my mind… Matthew 13:15-For this people’s heart has become calloused;
    they hardly hear with their ears,
    and they have closed their eyes.
    Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
    hear with their ears,
    understand with their hearts
    and turn, and I would heal them…

    May the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob bless you and all you love today and always…

    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem, Psalm 122:6!!!


  2. KitKat Says:

    Reading your posts from Jerusalem are really interesting, Sandra. I enjoy getting some daily insights into everyday Jewish life. (I hope you find your pie crusts!)
    I am already looking forward to the shows about Daniel.
    Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!

  3. Art Stewart Says:

    Sandra, I have enjoyed your blogs from Israel so very much,as well as I have enjoyed the TV programs and letters for quite some time. I am having difficulty getting your program, now that TBN has done their nasties. You and Jeff are doing a great job! I also want to commend you for the Godly, modest image that you present. I am weary of hearing the world make fun of some of the women who represent us on Christian TV. You are first class in your image, as well as your teaching. May God richly bless all of your staff as you carry on. I will be sending a donation shortly.
    Art Stewart, Wooster, Ohio

  4. Davi Holmes Says:

    Hi from Canada . I too am looking forward to your study on Daniel. I really enjoy this web site, it is very informative and enlightening. Keep up the excellant work. May God richly bless you and your staff and family . In Jesus service . David Roy Holmes, Saskatchewan Canada

  5. Kerry & Mark Says:

    Thanks for the challenge, Sandra. Being in the Word is SO important these days. We are studying Daniel right now in our Monday night bible study. We are in Part 1 — Chapters 1-6, so the prophecy part won’t start until after the New Year. We need to know the WHOLE counsel of God so that we are not “carried by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;” (Eph 4:14) We are in the last days when mockers, scoffers and false prophets will arise. We need to know what is biblically correct and what is not. We thank you that your ministry lit the spark of God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people in our hearts. May we be the righteous Gentiles God has called us to be.

  6. Rhonda Says:

    I have spent the entire afternoon looking at your website. THANK YOU!! As an American living in Sweden, I find it sometimes difficult getting good information. I plan to look at this site daily and pray for you and your team. You mentioned a women’s Bible study. Would it be possible to receive a transcript of them? God bless you for carrying on what Zola started.
    Keep your eyes straight ahead and never look back!
    I will be praying and cheering you on.

  7. Kimberly Woolmaker Says:

    Dear Jeff & Sandra, I love your web sight also i cannot stop reading it, also when i could not sleep late at night or very very early in the morning i come out to read your web sight. I really LOVE you all and your truley a huge blessing to me. I want you to know how much you all encourage me. This world is getting alot more crazier and i am happy your out there doing what you are doing. I know many people are being blessed by your work for the Lord. I really appreciate you all. Be well and be encouraged Sandra & Jeff. I thank you so much. Take care,God Bless. Kimberly W. West Virgina.