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Life on the ground in Israel

I am always amazed that I am amazed

I woke up to a cloudy and rainy morning in Jerusalem, but that’s OK—Israel needs the rain. Traditionally, this is the rainy/winter season. During the last 8 years that I have been coming to Israel, this is only the second time I have been here in the rainy season. Last year was different in that it was warm and dry while we were on tour. I try and remember that after the rainy season, gorgeous flowers will bloom in the Spring and the Sea of Galilee will be full again. So, I am blessed to see the rain.

I did venture out and get my morning paper, umbrella in hand. It has stopped raining and I am off to the old city. I walk and it takes me about 30 minutes. I have to get my sense of direction each time I am here in Jerusalem. I get there just in time to take cover as it starts raining. I am in the Cardo looking for a couple of gift items. Just doing my part to bless Israel. I have left my umbrella at the B&B and end up buying one from a vendor in the old city. I expect him to speak Hebrew, but he speaks the Queen’s English. I am reminded of how many different languages I hear on the street: Hebrew, English, Spanish, French, Thai, Russian.

Time for the grocery store. Will wants Thanksgiving at his place and I will be cooking. Thanksgiving in Israel is not a big holiday, so I have brought over Texas pecans, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and the onions for the green bean casserole. All I have to find is ready-made crust for the pecan pie and mushroom soup. It’s not happening. The grocer is checking on it for me. I am glad I started early, because it will take a week to get what I want. They did have the Karo syrup for the pecan pie. “Ah, yes, the Americans and their Thanksgiving holiday” the grocer says to me. Several of the hotels will have a buffet, but Will and I want some home cooking. He has invited other Americans. It should be fun. Pray for me — I have not cooked in years!

I really don’t watch much TV here. CNN and the BBC make me so angry, that I just cannot watch. When I am at Will’s, I try and watch FOX News. Most of what news I get comes from the Jerusalem Post.

Daniel Pipes has an article today called “A Devastating Thesis.” He critiques a book by Mark Steyn, “America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It.” Bottom line is “Only if Americans can summon the will to shape at least part of the emerging world, will they have enough company to soldier on. Failing that, expect a new dark ages… a planet on which much of the map is re-primitivized.”
I will want to read Mr. Steyn’s book when I return to the States. Sounds like an interesting book.

I am always amazed that I am amazed at how the world sees Israel. Can anyone really believe that “the war on terrorism will be won by the west only when there is peace between Israel and the Palestinians?” So says Prime Minister Tony Blair. What part of world takeover does he not get? We are certainly living in the end times. It is the upside down world that Yeshua spoke of where good is evil and evil is good. I am challenged to read my Bible more and be ready to witness.

2 Responses to “I am always amazed that I am amazed”

  1. Arle Masters Says:

    Hey– I was married for 23 years and we were in Real Estate and I NEVER cooked. My Husband went to be with the L-rd and with him went his Real Estate License -we were very secular (he was saved 13 days before he died in a car accident) Praise the L-rd! Then my daughter went to be with the L-rd and I had to cook for 2 of her babies, her husband, and my son due to finances- I have learned it is like the Bible. if you follow the directions- EVERYTHING works out! Here is a link to a website that I will be using for my thanksgiving  Please pray for my family. I have been abandoned (persecuted) for being “to Religious”… I think thats the Best thing that anyone ever said about me…LOL. I received an E-mail from OliveTree Ministries this am– asking where is the OUTRAGE! A islamic muslim (I refuse to capitalize) has been elected to congress Kieth Ellison — and with shouts of allah is greater — and he will be sworn in using the koran — sort of like swearing on a Box of Kracker Jacks… I don’t know if you read these — I pray you do. The firsts are hardest (first Holidays without your loved one). I know Zola meant so much to our lives I can only imagine the void in your life… I was in prayer one day (after the loss of my husband, daughter, all family — with the exception of my son who is now 15) in tears and the Holy Spirit said to me — lean on me — I am more than enough… It’s true. I tell people if you can’t be happy with “just G-d” then you will never be happy…  the best part of my day is the time I spend in his presence. He will never leave us or forsake us — no man, relative, or friend can promise that… The Joy of the Lord is our strength! I speak major BLESSINGS over your Thanksgiving!!! We enjoy hearing Will on the Bridges for Peace News Casts!!!

    I like this saying… Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, TODAY is a Gift — thats why they call it the PRESENT!

    Enjoy every minute!


    Arle Masters

  2. Diane L.Williams Says:

    Hey Sandra, I don’t care to watch CNN either but Walid Shoebat was on last night. He did a fabulous job explaining Islam. He is such a defender of Israel. You could tell that the interviewer was just clueless. It is sad. It is like there is a veil over the world’s eyes concerning Isreal. The attitudes of the people are just as the Bible describes as the Last Days. Come Quickly Lord Jesus!! Diane Williams