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Life on the ground in Israel

They knew I would be back

Shalom from Jerusalem. It is so good to be in Israel!

The Fall tour group has gone—as has Berg Production—leaving me to discover Israel on my own again. It is quiet and I am enjoying a few hours of getting into the hum of daily life.

The 60 or so pilgrims who made their way to Israel with us were rewarded with a new insight on the Bible and their faith. It was wonderful to watch as they came to understand the power of this land and the God they serve. Our head guide, Zvi, had us up and going at 6:30 am each day, finishing about 5 pm. I can honestly say that we saw Israel from Dan to Beersheba.

The weather had been exceptional, except for one day of rain when we were headed to the Old City. It was one of the few times I could actually get up to the Western Wall without having to push my way through all the other women. The rain had kept most away. Still it was a special time to see the Wall and to pray.

I like to ask the pilgrims what their favorite site is and hear what they have to say. Most agreed that the Yeshua (Jesus) boat ride on the Sea of Galilee was their favorite. I must confess that it is one of my favorite sites also. The boat has music playing as we leave the dock and head out to the middle of the Galilee. It is really a time of praise and worship.

Once we are in the middle of the lake, the seamen raise the American flag and play our national anthem. While sitting there on the Galilee and hearing the words, “home of the brave and land of the free” really takes on new meaning.

Then HaTikva, the Israel national anthem, is played. It too, really makes my heart swell. Both countries have made so many sacrifices for freedom. Hearing Amazing Grace sung in Hebrew takes on a whole new meaning also.

Really, a good group of people. I am looking forward to the Spring tour already!

Berg Productions was here to do filming for Zola Levitt Presents. Jeff did filming on the new series about Daniel. We also filmed two year-end programs in Jerusalem overlooking the city. The weathermen had predicted rain, but the day turned out beautiful. Looking back over the past year was hard for me. We both did some interviews which I think everyone will find very timely and interesting.

I am staying at the same Bed and Breakfast I have stayed at in the past. When I walked in to the reception area, I was greeted with a “welcome home.” They had even made sure I had hot water for a shower. I really was touched by their kindness. Breakfast the next morning was just as it was when I was here in July. Boiled eggs, tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers, lots of fresh bread, and for me, lots of coffee. I went for my morning paper to the same little store. Routine—I love it. I reached down and got my bottle of water and had to laugh that nothing had changed and the water was where I had left it.

Yes, I made my trek to the laundry. Believe or not, they remembered that I was Will’s ema (mother). They just laughed at my small amount of laundry. Later that afternoon, I picked it up and was told that I had gotten a discount because he knew I would be back.

I am resting and getting caught up on emails and such. But, it is good to be here in the land I love so much.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem,

4 Responses to “They knew I would be back”

  1. Jennifer Blankenstein Says:

    I have checked the website daily (once the tour left) hoping that you would
    write something from Jerusalem. Thanks for making my day!
    God bless you.
    Jennifer Blankenstein

  2. Diane L.Williams Says:

    Oh Sandra, I am so happy you are back in Isreal and sharing your trip with us!! It is so good to hear that life is getting back to some kind of normal in Isreal. I know it sounds silly but it is so neat to hear about you interacting with the natives. Even if it is only breakfast and laundry. It is the events of the everyday that helps me connect with Israel. I pray you will be having a joyous reunion with your family in Israel. Blessings, Diane L. Williams

  3. Arle Masters Says:

    Hey! Israel is so Blessed to have you! Today I sent an article that your son wrote to my son! G-d knows just what we need- aren’t sons FANTASTIC! We pray that you, your family, ZLM and your ANGELS — are Blessed and Strengthened!!! Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, & Financial Blessings and Protection to you and all you care for… The Bible tells us to keep our minds/hearts on things above — Don’t you just wonder what Zola is doing right now! Wow! This is such an awesome time to be a believer! Thank you for this post — Oh I pray to go to the Holy land asap — I don’t complain — and I know the Bible says not to covet (Pray 4 Me) — But I am still in the Wilderness!!! The High Desert in California!!! LOL… Thank you for all you do in the Body of Yeshau it is greatly appreciated…

    Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Psalm 122:6! (ZLM taught me that — have you seen how many people around the World sign off with that verse now!)

    Have an AWESOME time!

    See you in Heaven or Sooner


    Arle Masters

  4. Inez Says:

    We love you Sandra.