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Life on the ground in Israel

Rockets and signs of life

On my way back up to the north yesterday, I passed through Tiberias again. It was about 11:30, and this time there were people everywhere. While some shops remained closed, a great many more were open again. There were people in the streets, shopping, eating, and going about their daily life again. I had a shawarma. It has been several days since a rocket has hit Tiberias, so people felt a little more comfortable emerging from their homes and shelters. However, when I came back through the city on my way home to Jerusalem, everything was closed again, and it was only 5:30 in the evening.

When I arrived in Kiryat Shemona, I hadn’t been there two minutes before the siren went off. Normally I just get my camera ready and position myself where there’s a view, but this time was different. I saw two policemen, wearing helmets and flak vests, running for the nearest shelter. I decided to follow them.

I ended up at the main municipality shelter, where the mayor and his staff had their underground offices. They said that I had arrived on a particularly heavy day of rockets, and I listened as they took the reports of where each rocket landed. After the “all clear” was given, I rush over to where one of them had just hit, but a cameraman from Fox News beat me there.

Kiryat Shemona resident in front of rocket-damaged homeA Katusha had hit and collapsed the front part of a home, and pieces of the rocket were everywhere. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. As I take pictures another alarm sends the crowd of reporters, police, and locals that had gathered there scrambling for cover. Afterward, I talk with one resident there who says that he has a brother in Dallas.

IDF strikes a Lebanese villageThe sound of the Israeli artillery firing back into Lebanon booms throughout the city, and I decide to go find them. After some driving I do find their location, but again I’m told no photos. I decide to move on to Metula and see what’s going on there.

IDF Mortar crew fires toward LebanonOn the way there I encounter a mortar platoon setting up and preparing to fire. I get out and take several pictures of the troops in action. This is what I had been waiting for. I’m close enough to hear the commander giving out orders: their target in one strike was a gas station.

Mike Tobin of Fox News broadcasting near Kiryat ShemonaAfter the mortars, I climb the hill above Kiryat Shemona, right on the border, near to where I had been with my mom in a previous adventure at kibbutz Misgav Am. There’s an amazing view into Lebanon, and I can see smoke coming from several villages in the distance, probably from the Israeli artillery and mortars. As I drive a little further I see the Fox News van, so I stop. It’s their correspondent Mike Tobin and crew. I watch them for just a little bit, and between their live broadcasts make sure to tell them what a good job they are doing with their coverage of everything. He tells me that he has a house in Dallas, but that he hasn’t ever been there—always away on assignment.

Former defense minister Shaul Mofaz meets with Kiryat Shemona mayorBack to the bunker in Kiryat Shemona, and the mayor is meeting with former defense minister Shaul Mofaz. In the city there is one convenience store open. Only 15 meters away is a hole in the road from where a Katusha had landed some days ago. I make sure to buy a drink from them for the road, and wish them the best of luck.

15 Responses to “Rockets and signs of life”

  1. Arle Masters Says:

    Hello- Before I was a Believer- I would have been afraid for you…Now I will pray for you… Everyday- this is so interesting- it feels sort of like the behind the scenes takes of a Major Motion Picture…America in Denial- Staring “Yeshau & the Only Eternal City on Earth”… May the Lord Bless you and keep you, May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you- may you be blessed in your labor and your leziure, your rising up and your laying down- until you come to stand before G-d- Numbers 6 verse 23… I can’t wait to see the DAY-STAR program…!!!

    C-U-N Heaven or Sooner,

    With great respect and appreciation for all that your doing for the Body of Yeshau,

    Arle Masters

    PS- Sandra- You can also pick out my shoes! Those crocs ARE Ugly!!! Some things never change!!! LOL…

  2. orvel Says:

    GREAT reporting, Will. Your writing makes me feel like I’m there also. Keep up the the good work!

  3. Mike Tillman Says:

    Dear Will,
    “Way to go”!! You are a hero! Keep up the good work.
    I am invious of you.
    May our LORD continue to bless you.

  4. Rhoda Fry Says:

    Hello Sandra,

    May God Bless you as you do his work. It is wonderful that you can go there and report to us the truth of what is happening over there. I almost feel like I am there. It has always been my dream to go to Israel,and I know this is as close as I will get so God bless you. Take care and I know the lord will keep you safe.

  5. Jodie Mader Says:

    Will, thank you for taking over the blog from your mom and continuing the reports from Israel. I find it is giving a very ‘inside’ look at what is happening.

    I agree with giving “Kudos” to Fox News for their Fair and Balanced reporting. Thanks for passing along the appreciation to them when you see them.

    All of this is more than exciting!
    Prayers Going Up and God’s Blessings & Protection Coming Down! Jodie Mader

  6. Diane Williams Says:

    Will, Love the Blog!!!!!!! Please, Please, tell those people we are praying so hard for them. They will prevail–this we know because G-d promised it. We pray for protection, for guidance but mostly for lasting peace. Hang in there!!!!!G-d Bless

  7. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Thank you Will,
    You are doing a good job reporting to us Will and we really appreciate your endeavor…..You have my prayers for your safety through all of this….Thank you for telling Fox News they are doing a good job…I believe they are doing just that.

    God bless you Will….keep up the good work and be careful….Remember we are right there with you in spirit and prayers…There is no distance with our Lord so remember we are very near….I have 5 grandsons near your age so my heart is with you….With my love and prayers, Dortha Spurgeon in Redding, CA

  8. Wess Adams Says:

    Will & Sandra, I just found you Blog. G-d be with you as you seek to tell the truth of the current events in Israel. You are in my prayers as I Thank you for your efforts & for what you stand for. Blessings

  9. Linda Hodges Says:

    Hi Will,
    It is so exciting to see how God has prepared you and placed you in these important roles of reporter and ambassador for this time in history! Because of the June tour God is beginning to open my eyes and my heart more than ever to His land and His people. May God bless you and keep you. And as a mom I have to say, Be Careful!! Linda Hodges

  10. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Hello Will,
    I just wanted you to know I just watched the program where they showed your interview with the former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that was very good…after the program I thought I wish I could have seen more of it and I believe they did say they were going to show more on the next program….All of your interviews are very interesting.

    I am so happy that Mark called Jeff Seif to come aboard…He could not have chosen a better person to replace Zola….I have been busy for some time with my Institute of Christian Jewish Studies and of course Jeff is the main teacher there, so that made me very happy…..He will do a very good job…So glad he had Walid Shoebat back on again…that man is doing a great work for the Lord I believe.

    God bless you and keep up the good work…..Be very careful…we know the Lord is with you.

    With My Love and Prayers,
    Dortha Spurgeon, Redding, CA

  11. Carmen Says:

    Shalom to both of you….Will and Sandra. It is wonderful what you are doing. Please keep it up…..Shalom

  12. Jennifer Says:

    Will and Sandra,

    I am so thankful to you both for reporting what you’re seeing daily. I too have the desire to be with my brothers and sisters in Israel, but find this is the closest I get. My support for them through prayers and finances will keep coming though. Will, I watch Fox News daily and I too am very thankful for their coverage. Thank you for passing on our thanks to them as you see them.

    Praying for the peace of Jerusalem daily,

    Jennifer Travnicek

  13. Arle Masters Says:

    Hello- Will- I was on the Bridges for Peace website and I saw your slide-show! AWESOME JOB!!! My son and I partner with Zola Levitt Ministries and have all of you in our prayer Box! Keep up the Great Work! I really believe that the TRUTH must be reported in the MEDIA! Thank You! Great Job being there for the Lord and your Mother!



    We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem,(thanks to Zola) Psalm 122 verse 6!

    Arle & My son Beau (15)-he “watches over” his mom also- as his Father went to be with the Lord!


  14. Kimberly Woolmaker Says:

    Dearest Sandra and all, I really do admire you so very much. I wish in my heart I could be there in Jerusalem ,I beleive in my heart time as we know it is almost over and THE LORD WILL BE REVEALED TO US ALL WHO LOVE HIS APPEARING. I admire your GREAT courage to go to Israel in such troubled times as we live in. Iam praying for the peace of Jerusalem and I pray for you also. A big thank you for you AND your teachings, and LOVE for the Jewish people, and the LAND GOD GAVE TO HIS PEOPLE . THANK YOU FOR TAKING A STAND FOR THE JEWISH FOLKS ,THIS IS THE TIME OF THE END AND SOON WE THAT LOVE CHRIST WILL BE WITH HIM AND SEE HIM AS HE IS. THANK YOU MRS.LEVITT, YOU AND ZOLA AND YOUR MINISTRY HAS REALLY OPENED MY EYES AND MY HEART. I PROMISE TO PRAY DAILY FOR YOU AND YOUR WORK FOR THE LORD,,, BE ENCOURAGED WE ALL NEED TO BE ENCOURAGING TO ONE ANOTHER IN THIS EVIL HOUR. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU, IN CHRIST,KIMBERLY W. WEST VIRGINIA.

  15. Sandy Hyde Says:

    I am trying to find the interview I saw today (Aug. 17,2006)on TV with former PM Benjamin Netanyahu. I only caught part of it. I found it facinating. They were talking about terrorist and Hamas and Hezbollah. I have tried to tell people tha Islam is a power position, not just “another way to worship god”. Thank You.