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Life on the ground in Israel

Israelis are like a cactus fruit

This is my last day in Israel. I am sad, but I know I will be back again. I pray that Will and I have given clear and accurate information on what is going on in Israel. It has been such a blessing to be here. Everyone is so grateful that an American is here and standing with them during this time. Thank you for your prayers.

The word for the day is “spin.” Have we become so accustom to how the media and how the government “talks” about the events that are happening? “And” just doesn’t mean “and” anymore. How can anyone equate the deaths from deliberate homicide bombers targeting innocent men, women and children with Hezbollah is beyond me.

Israel is fighting such a careful war to make sure someone—anyone—will say something nice about them. All they get back is nothing, and are asked to give away more land. Because that works? Has giving the Arabs land produced any peace for Israel? Is any resolution that the UN makes working? I am still waiting for the UN to tell me what the “observers” were observing and what they were waiting for in Lebanon. And why, if it was so dangerous, were they not told to leave the region? I am also still waiting for the UN to tell me why 1559 is not working. That’s the resolution that states that any and all terrorist groups like Hizbollah will be disarmed in Lebanon.

Please no more! Let Israel do her job and finish the “battle” this time, once and for all. Of course, we all know that the real victory belongs to God and when Yeshua comes back, all Israel will be saved. Amen.

Jerusalem is on the highest alert for terrorists. The thinking is that since there is action in the North and South, Jerusalem needs a little also. No city is safe from these terrorists. The police have stopped many trying to get into Jerusalem. I see more policemen and more bomb searching vehicles everywhere. But, people are still out and about and living their lives. I get on the bus and see that when an older person gets on, a younger person immediately gets up and gives them their seat. These are the same Israeli’s who target innocent people? I don’t think so. The world is so blind. As I get off the bus, it backfires and I jump. I am not the only one, but it’s only a backfire and I am grateful.

I do a little more shopping on Ben Yehuda. Just trying to help their economy before I leave. 🙂 I notice all the Crocs (shoes). Israel is a country that requires comfortable walking shoes. I leave the heels at home when I am here. The Crocs are just so fashionable in Israel. It is tempting to buy a pair, but I resist. They are just too ugly for me—comfortable, but ugly. I have several friends that have them and just love them.

I notice that Ben Yehuda is not as crowded as it was on Sunday. I am in a couple of shops and ask them how the sales have been. The first shop said I was the first customer in two hours. This is usually a busy shop and I am sad for them. At the next shop, the sweet lady shows me a sign that usually hangs in the window saying “please wait until a customer leaves before entering.” This shop usually has so many customers that people wait in lines outside the door. I get a lemonade and walk some more.

Will and I meet for lunch at one of the swarma/falafel places. I have not had a falafel the whole time I have been in Israel. We visit some more and Will goes to Bridges for Peace and I head for the grocery store, one last time.

As I head into the store, I hear a crash and see a young man go flying on the ground. He was on a motorcycle and had run into a car. It was awful. The men in the grocery store all ran out to check on the rider. He got up, but they made him lay down on the ground and then an ambulance was called. I mean, these guys in the store were out of the store in less than 15 seconds. They did not even know this young man, but knew that he needed help. This is how it is in Israel. There is a fruit here called Sabra. It describes the Israelis perfectly. It is prickly on the outside and sweet on the inside. Just when you think the Israelis cannot be any ruder, they go and do something nice for you.

Tuesday night we caught up with Joni and Stu. Our friends from Anatot. Joni is our second guide and Stu is an English teacher. Stu is the person who describes the peace process as “peace by piece,” meaning the idea that peace will come by giving a piece of land, but the Arabs only want the piece not the peace. Israel cannot give away any more land. Again, the Arabs do not want peace; they want 5 million dead Jews.

I see that Psalm 86 is being read in the Synagogues. It is written by David asking God for help from his enemies. Ps 86:14: “God, arrogant men are rising against me, a gang of brutes is seeking my life, and to you they pay no attention. But you, Adonai, are a merciful, compassionate God, slow to anger and rich in grace and truth. Turn to me, and show me your favor.” I have to remind myself each day that God is in control of everything. There is a real peace in knowing Him.

11 Responses to “Israelis are like a cactus fruit”

  1. Brian Jones Says:

    My aunt had a cat who’s name was ginger. Poor girl didn’t have any teeth left my my cousin Natalie caught it trying to gum down a mouse. Poor mouse was wet and traumitized I imagine. The point is Ginger like the UN has no teeth, but at least she gave forth a little effort, I don’t even see that with the UN.

    I also wanted to saw thank you. I’ve felt God’s prompting me to go to Israel but I’ve been putting it off and with the fighting in the north. I was wondering if it was safe.

  2. herb hadders Says:

    Have you noticed the country as a whole getting close (as in months)to calling on the Lord for help? As in the O.T. and David asked for guidence. I believe they didn’t do so during the 67 or 73 “short” wars, yes?

  3. Mike Tillman Says:

    I agree with you that things seen upside down at present. Bad is good, good is bad. Wow! If only people would open their eyes. Think of how wonderful it would be if the world accepted Isreal. If from the economic aspect alone, we would all benifit and live more productive lives.
    Brenda and I will miss your daily messages from the Home Land.Our desire is to visit the Home Land with you and your tour group one day.
    GOD bless you, Will and your staff.
    Have a pleasent journey back to TX.

  4. Arle Says:

    This blog was so cool — I will miss them… So interesting and real — Just like I felt about Zola… May I ask this question — I e-mailed the office — and as yet I have not had a response.  What about all the e-mails I am getting to help Lebanon refugees. The only request I received for Israel Financial Assistance was from the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews… I have been bombarded with e-mails asking me to financially support Lebanon??? Seems to me that I recall a scripture that says I will bless those that bless my people — Genesis 12:3 … Mrs. Levitt I pray for divine protection, peace, and prosperity to follow you everywhere you travel… Blessings to all involved with this Ministry… Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem, Unity in the Body of Yeshau, and the lost; the Rapture of the Church is imminent…

  5. Oran Cruzen Says:

    Thank you so very much for taking time to give us your comments. They have been a blessing to me! Channel 45 here in Orlando Florida stopped showing your broadcast, sigh! I have to depend on the website now.
    Grace and Peace to you in the name of Prince of Peace – Jesus!

  6. Max Says:

    Thanks for sharing your blog with us on your trip to Israel.
    Is there any chance that FoxNews might be interested in interviewing you about Israel since you feel that FoxNews is the most balanced of the cable news out there.

  7. David S Mintzer Says:

    I love reading your blog about your trip in Israel. Even though I have never met you personally, I feel like I know you. All of us Jews and Chirstians need to stick together and unite behind Israel. Israel will not be defeated. With the help of G-d and Yeshua she will emerge victorious. Remember this is G-d’s country and he will not let Israel be defeated. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel.

    Dave M who is broke and needs a job in Las Vegas,Nevada

  8. Tena Says:

    Sandra –
    I was sorry to hear about Zola. I know it’s been a while now but I had not seen any of his tv broadcast on SkyAngel Network and had not received newsletters for some time. I was wondering what had happened and then today I decided to look for the website to catch up. To my surprise, I had not realized what changes had occured. Praise be that he is with our Heavenly Father now. He’s in a much better place although he will truly be missed!!!

    I am also wonderfully surprised that you will be taking on this awesome ministry!! I first knew of your husband by a dream that I had. Actually the only thing I remember is his name being spoken in my dream and I came to. It didn’t make sense at the time nor had I ever heard of the word Zola. I then researched any name with Zola on the web and was led to this site. It’s been a blessing ever since. And I expect that you will continue bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ and the truth about happenings in Israel through these blogs and other means.

    God be with you in ALL you do and I am continually praying for Israel’s protection, safety and peace upon the Lord’s return. God bless you Sandra in your future efforts!!!!!!!!

  9. Margaret Hood Says:

    Dear Sandra and family. Thank you for sharing your jounal with all of us. I have wanted to go on your tours for so long and I wanted to be baptized in the River Jordan while there. I have fallen in love with Israel and the Jewish people …all over again. Now I understand why these people are His Chosen and why they and we are joint heirs in the Kingdom to come. Blessings Always, til He comes.

  10. Nita Luttrell Says:

    I was born and raised & live in Puerto Rico, I have been to Israel around 20 times. I loved all your articles from Israel, sorry you are returning. So from Puerto Rico, Shalom from Nita

  11. Robert Frauenthal Says:

    Hi Sandra, Will and Jeff,

    I love watching your programming at your website. I too was sad that TBN quit broadcasting your programs and surprised that Zola went ‘home’ to a ‘better place’. I’m in Asia teaching English, but after ‘being born again’ many years ago I used to watch ‘Zola Levitt Presents’ on I think TBN or CBN? I didn’t even know I had a ‘Jewish name’ until someone told me, when I was in the Army Reserves in California (I’m a Vietnam Air Force Vet). I came to South Korea after meeting another American friend at church in California, we are both still here. I tell all my friends (some or most are too liberal for me) to watch ‘Zola at‘. 1 of my friend I met is now in the UAE and teaching them (Sunnis I guess)English – but I’m ‘disenchanted’ with all the ‘negative stuff’ they say about Israel. I know they are wrong and I tell him all the time? Well I don’t want to go on and on just ‘glad’ you’re still on the air and I can watch ‘quality’ programming instead of all the ‘garbage’ the networks put out…now if I could solve a few of my personal problems (like a Jezebel boss)…I could really ‘live it up’..but I love eating ‘tortillas’ and I just met a friend from Texas, even if she is ‘ignorant and liberal’ we still get along. She may help me ‘escape’ my ‘Jezebel’…like Elijah?

    Ok I’m rambling so keep up the good work…I love watching you on Internet (the Lord has set a table in the presence of my enemies and I have 2 computers with 5 new ones at work). Take that Devil..

    God Bless….Robert Frauenthal in South Korea