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Life on the ground in Israel

Charles Krauthammer says what I want to say

The Jerusalem Post has a wonderful article by Charles Krauthammer in today’s paper. Really, the consensus is that Israel should stay the course and finish the job with Hizbollah.

Krauthammer says:

What other country sustains 1,500 indiscriminate rocket attacks into its cities—everyone designed to kill, maim and terrorize civilians—and is then vilified by the world when it tries to destroy the enemy’s infrastructure and strongholds with precision guided munitions that sometimes have the unintended but unavoidable consequence of collateral civilian death and suffering?

Had Israel wanted to destroy Lebanese civilian infrastructure, it would have turned out the lights in Beirut in the first hour of the war, destroying the billion-dollar power grid and setting Lebanon back 20 years. Israel’s response to Hizbullah has been use the most precise weaponry and targeting it can. It has no interest, no desire to kill Lebanese civilians. Israeli soldiers die so that Lebanese civilians will not, and who does the international community condemn for disregarding civilian life?

Go Charles! I want his whole article to go in the Levitt Letter. It is just wonderful. He really says what I want to say in a way that is just beautiful.

I cannot believe that the Lebanese Prime Minister has praised Hizbollah. This is our ally? The Bible is right. We live in an upside down world where good is evil and evil is good.

I see that other vultures from the States are here.  In my opinion, we must be careful where we give money. Rabbi Eckstein is another one to watch. Always ask where your donation is going and how much is administrative. I have heard that only 10% finds its way to Israel with some of these groups (90% administrative). Really! I don’t think God would be very happy with that.

I also had the blessing of visiting with our land agent today, Immanuel Tours. David Meyers and his family live in Nes Tsyona. Nes is the Hebrew word for flag, so the name of the town is “the flag of Zion.” During one of the Arab riots there in 1939, the flag of Israel was raised to let everyone know that the Jews were not leaving. He was in Lebanon all three years of his military service and knows of what he speaks. He wants Israel to finish the war and make sure that Israel can and will live in safety. I had a wonderful lunch with him and his mother. It is so good to be with believers.

6 Responses to “Charles Krauthammer says what I want to say”

  1. Sandy Says:

    Thanks, Sandra for all the updates and wonderful, informative links. We have been praying for you. I did want to say thanks also for posting the link to “Charity Navigator” on the site. I can see that ZLM uses 87.3% of income for its purpose and earns a 4 “star” rating. What an encouragement. I also want to say that I agree that all of us need to find Messianic Jewish sites to support so that Yeshua is lifted up and they know who has put that love in our hearts and why it is being extended. I do want to say also, though, that Rabbi Eckstein’s charity, “The International Fellowship if Christians and Jews”, does pretty well with its Program expenses, according to “Charity Navigator”. It uses 79.6% for what it was created for and earns 3 “stars.” I personally did not know before reading some articles on this site, that he is not a Messianic Jew. For that reason, I will not send money to his organization, but I have prayed for him and hope that perhaps he will be converted and be a wonderful witness of Yeshua soon…hopefully, for his sake, before the Rapture. Thanks again for all the updates. Someone said that reading them makes them feel like they are there in Israel with you. I agree.
    Love and Blessings!
    Sandy D, FL

  2. cleva brown Says:

    I too am enjoying your daily journal, as well as the regular programs. I am also praying for the safety of you, your son and any of your staff that may be with you. Well, I am praying for all of Israel.
    God bless you and yours. Please be safe. We loved your husband very much and will miss him. In the meantime you, Jeff, Mark and the entire staff are doing a great job. Yes, we always pray for for the Peace of Jerusalem!
    Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord!
    Cleva Brown

  3. sabrina Says:

    Could anybody tell me the website address of the charity navigator?

  4. Rhett Vorster Says:

    After reading all this, it makes me think of what I read today in Isaiah 43:14 (TEV), God says to Israel: “To save you, I will send an army against Babylon…” Once again, God has sent the army of the USA and other likeminded nations to help take the pressure off Israel,who is surrounded by hatemongers like Iraq, Lebanon, and Afghanistan. I have often thought of the sacrifices other nation’s soldiers make in fighting for Israel, and this reminds me of Isaiah 43:4 – “I will give up whole nations to save your life…” When we look at all that is happening against the House of Jacob, let us take courage in Isaiah’s words and Isaiah’s God.

  5. Patrick Potter Says:

    I really enjoy Sandra’s daily blog. She speaks of worthy ministries to give to. I talked with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry last week and they are receiving funds for The Israeli Relief Fund. I was told that 100% of those funds would go directly to help the victims of the rocket attacks in northern Israel.
    Thanks Sandra!

  6. Dorothy Says:

    I’m not surprised about Lebanon…even the “Christians” are antisemetic! (Remember what Brigitte Gabriel said?) I am 100% behind what Israel is doing…protecting themselves against the terrorists (mean, vicious & evil). At this point in time, however, they are doing it in “unbelief”…of course they need to humble themselves and pray to the one living God as King Hezekiah finally realized & turned back to the Lord (away from idolatry!) 185,000 Assyrians were killed…Is36…his policy was kill the enemy!