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Life on the ground in Israel

While I was doing laundry…

It is a beautiful morning in Jerusalem. Will ended up in Kiryat Shmona yesterday with two others from Bridges for Peace. They delivered cases of green beans, powdered milk, diapers, canned pasta, etc. The army soldiers were so excited to get the food. They will distribute it where it is needed most and the best part is that everyone knows it is from the Christians. What a witness. Zola always quoted “witness… use words if necessary.” No words needed there.

A Katusha rocket at Kiryat Shemona which landed two hours earlierThe Bridges for Peace group also went to Kiryat Shmona about 30 minutes after a rocket had hit. Will saw a rocket up close and wanted part of it, but thought better of picking it up. Whew! They also traveled up to Metulla. A very long day, but well worth the effort.Check out WorldNetDaily. They are always on top of things. Joseph Farrah is an Arab believer, so he gives a fair look at what is going on from the Arab view. The Israeli soldiers were helped by the locals in Bint Jbail. They told WorldNetDaily that they were not and did not want to be part of Hizballah.

I have heard that CNN is taking a vote on whether Israel is at fault and if you support her. Please vote on this. Why are we surprised at the unbeliever? Any lie will do when it comes to the liberal media.

I am outraged at Kofi Annan‘s voice at the UN casualties. I like the way the Jerusalem Post editorial today, said it:

The bitter irony is that Annan himself reported to the Security Council back in January 2001 that the UNIFIL had completed implementation of the part of its mandate requiring it to help Lebanese authorities resume control of the area vacated by Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000. If he was right, the IDF would not now be operating against Hizballah, and absorbing mounting casualties. And four UNIFIL workers would not be dead today.

Who does Annan think he is? Where is Annan’s UN and the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1559?! The IDF had been in the area earlier with loudspeakers telling everyone to leave! The Israeli Army gives up an element of surprise each time they do this, but they don’t want to kill people. They want the terrorism to stop.

Let me remind you again, we are in a Spiritual war! Read Ezekiel 36-38.

Israel gets it from both the Arabs and the left-wingers. The Arabs say that Israel is weak because of the Six-Day War. Where is Israel’s might? Israel should have beaten them in less than the two weeks it has been. Of course, now the talk is about land. It is never about land. Give me a break. Why does anyone think that Shebaa Farms are the issue? That is all Israel has done—give up land. Is there peace in Israel because of it? NO. Again, the Arabs want six million dead Jews! The left-wingers are saying that Israel is using too much force. Do you see Satan at work here? You bet. We have to stay strong with our beliefs and with Israel.

Zola’s answer to the Arab/Israeli conflict was terrific. He said “if the Arabs would wake up and decide not to bomb or kill anyone, then there would be peace. And if they did that the next day, then there would be peace. And so on…” I am here in Israel thinking how to solve this war, but Zola was right. No more terrorism and there would be peace. I know who is in control of my life. There is a Jewish joke about the Feasts. It goes “They tried to kill us… We won… Let’s eat!” Think about it. They are trying to kill us, we will win, and we will eat with the King. Amen.

We are going out to Joni and Stu‘s home for dinner tonight. They live in Anatot, outside of Jerusalem. ZLM has helped support their village. Stu has interesting opinions on this war, so it will be good to talk with them.

The grocery store was fun. I had to guess what was tomato sauce, but I got it right. I also have to walk to the apartment because we do not have a car, so I have to watch how much I can carry. Sometimes, that is funny too. It’s an “if my friends could see me now” moment. We had a late pasta dinner. It tasted pretty good.

Today, I navigate the laundry. They get upset with me there because I do not use a large—and I mean large—machine. I leave the dirty clothes with them and they do the work, but they think if they can cram everything into one large machine, it is better. I know they think, “Americans, what can you do with them.” I have to give them my name, so I just tell them I am Will’s ema (mother). What a little Hebrew can do…

2 Responses to “While I was doing laundry…”

  1. Patty McCartney Says:

    Dear Sandra thank you for your writings about your trip to Israel. I have been a student of your husband for a long time and am so glad to see God is using you now to carry on Zola’s work. Keep up the good work and know that many are covering you with prayer you and you children. Gods richest blessing on you and yours. Patty

  2. MIRYAM Says:

    Shalom Sandra, I can’t wait to meet you one day. I love the Zola Levitt show and I love Israel, I had the honor of visiting last October during the Feast Of Tabernacles in 2005 and I am longing to return. I have been a follower of Jesus for a short time comparitively to other people. I only learned about Zola a few months before he went to be with our lord Jesus. but after I watched his program ,I recorded every episode afterwards.I praise God for the opportunity that I had with Zola. Thank you for carrying on his teachings about God and Israel.