Israel Aiding Brazil in Fight Against Devastating Fires in the Amazon

By: Marcus M. Gilban – Jewish Telegraphic Agency;

RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) — Israel will help Brazil in battling fires raging in the Amazon rain forest.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday to offer assistance in extinguishing the blazes. Israel will send a firefighting aircraft and flame-retardant materials, O Globo newspaper reported.

Bruised, but Not Broken, Israeli Kids Near the Gaza Border Make the Most of Summer

By: Noa Amouyal; Jewish News Syndicate –

Unlike school, which has a regimented schedule, life at camp is much more lax—something these children need.

It was supposed to be the first sight that greeted them as they entered the camp and embarked on their first day of vacation: a vivid sign welcoming the children, surrounded by colorful balloons.

But not a single balloon was put up for fear that the mere sight of them would upset campers.

California Proposes Ethnic Studies Curriculum with Anti-Israel Components

Sixteen Jewish state legislators call the curriculum inaccurate, misleading and reflecting an anti-Jewish bias while parents fear youngsters will be educated to view Israel and Zionism as evil

Jewish and Israeli parents in California are concerned about a new program proposed by the state education board for high schools in the upcoming school year which they say presents the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement and other anti-Israeli content in a positive light.,7340,L-5567923,00.html

Jerusalem’s “Pilgrimage Road” video

Imagine striding up the same stone path on which millions of people walked to arrive at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during Biblical times. It is known as the “Pilgrimage Road.”

That fantasy is about to be reality as Israel prepares to open to the public an excavation project that has taken nearly a decade to complete. This new archaeological attraction will permit visitors to literally see the ashes of the Jewish people’s Holy Temple, which was burned to the ground by Roman invaders in A.D. 70. Get an early glance at this amazing discovery when you watch this clip.

Israel Welcomes 10% Increase in Tourists in 2019

By: Eythan Halon – Jerusalem Post;

“Summer begins with a hike in tourist arrivals to Israel,” said Tourism Minister Yariv Levin.

Nearly 2.6 million tourist entries into Israel have been recorded since the start of the year, representing a 9.8% increase compared to the same period last year, according to new data published Monday by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

Building on two consecutive record-breaking years of incoming tourism, 2.587 million tourists entered Israel between January and July 2019, compared to 2.356 million during the same period in 2018.

Who’s Running in Israel’s September Elections, Explained

By: Marcy Oster; Jewish Telegraphic Agency –

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s upcoming elections in September — just five months after the last ones in April — are essentially a do-over.

In the April election, the right wing won a majority. But because Israel has a parliamentary system, a bunch of small right-wing parties had to agree to join a governing coalition. They were too divided to do that, so now Israel is trying again.

Unsurprisingly, people have basically the same opinions they had earlier this year. In other words, polls haven’t shifted much.