Israeli Housing Minister Kickstarts Process to Evict UNRWA

By: Israel Today Staff;

Yitzhak Goldknopf instructed the Israel Lands Authority “to immediately end all agreements” with the “nefarious” organization over its ties to Hamas.

Israeli Housing and Construction Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf has instructed the Israel Land Authority (ILA) to immediately cancel all lease agreements with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and evict it from its main headquarters in eastern Jerusalem.

UNRWA “acted in the service of Hamas and even took part in the brutal massacre on Oct. 7, and mounting evidence shows that the organization has been supporting, assisting and educating [Palestinians] to harm Israel,” Goldknopf wrote in a letter made public on Monday night.

The minister instructed ILA head Yanki Quint “to immediately end all agreements of the Israel Land Authority with the nefarious UNRWA organization and remove them from the territories leased to them and from all the territories that the organization uses in the State of Israel.”

UNRWA maintains extensive facilities in Jerusalem, including a large compound on Shlomo Zalman Shragai Street in Maalot Dafna and structures in the capital’s northeastern Kafr Aqab neighborhood.


Gullible Americans are Funding Hamas, Not Starving Children

By: Jonathan S. Tobin – Jewish News Syndicate;

Just like the international aid that built their tunnels, funds for Gaza civilians promoted by celebrities like Doug Emhoff’s daughter are helping terrorists.

The images from the war Hamas launched against Israel on Oct. 7 have tugged at the heartstrings of Americans. By that, I don’t refer to the charred ruins of Israeli communities in southern Israel that were devastated by the Hamas pogroms. Nor do I refer to the horrifying evidence of that terrorist rampage of murder, rape, torture and kidnapping that is too graphic for most people to bear. As far as the international media is concerned, those victims were quickly forgotten almost as soon as the murder spree happened and then erased from the collective memories of the West. The pictures and videos of the Palestinians of Gaza, however, who have suffered as a result of the war started by the organization that most of them supported have been a staple of the corporate media’s coverage.

The suffering of the people of Gaza is real. Regardless of Hamas’s popularity or the widespread support of its people and other Palestinians for its genocidal goals, the destruction of the Strip and deaths of many of its civilians (even if the claims of the Hamas health ministry that are frequently cited by the mainstream press are completely unreliable) is a tragedy, as well as a completely avoidable situation. The ceasefire that Hamas apologists, their fellow travelers and other useful idiots are calling for existed on Oct. 6 and need never have been broken. And it wouldn’t have been had the Islamist group not decided that carrying out the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust—and creating the circumstances under which their own people would be exposed to the hazards of war as Hamas’s human shields—was in their interest.


23andMe Data Breach Targeted Jews

A class action lawsuit against the DNA-testing company claims it didn’t notify customers that their personal information had made it onto the dark web.

Jewish News Syndicate;

For five months last year, hackers penetrated the security of the DNA-sequencing company 23andMe, resulting in customer data appearing for sale in “curated” lists that focused on Chinese customers and Ashkenazi Jews.

A new class action suit filed in San Francisco on Jan. 26 seeks to hold 23andMe responsible for not protecting users’ private information and not notifying them of the breach. The company apparently didn’t learn about the crime until a hacker posted on Reddit revealing some of the stolen information.


The UN is a Morally Decayed Institution Paving the Way for Another Holocaust – Opinion

By: Micah Lakin Avni – The Jerusalem Post;

The UN has deviated from its vision and betrayed its founding principles. It has become a stage for dictators and despots who want to expand their power and influence

After Hamas terrorists brutally murdered my father eight years ago, I spoke at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on the dangers of Palestinian incitement to terror. What I witnessed there was shocking and appalling. 

I heard dozens of countries attacking Israel with baseless accusations and hateful rhetoric. The blatant antisemitism was horrifying, pure evil. I felt like I was in a nightmare. As I left the United Nations, I was invited to speak at a pro-Israel rally. The first words that came out of my mouth were “We survived Auschwitz as a people, and in there, they are laying the ideological train tracks to put us back in, that’s what’s going on, and that’s what’s been going on for years and years.” 

Israel’s “trial” at the International Court of Justice is another painful reminder of this.


Wondering what to have for dinner tonight? Why not pizza?!

(Don’t eat at Pizza Hut? Why the chain is facing a worldwide boycott)

By: Endia Fontanez – Yahoo! Finance;

Pizza Hut is facing consumer boycotts after the chain reportedly provided free meals to soldiers on Israeli military bases.

On Jan. 19, Pizza Hut Israel reposted an Instagram story from user @alex_shults that depicted two smiling soldiers holding stacks of Pizza Hut pizza boxes, implying the chain had provided the meals to soldiers for free. The story expired after 24 hours and can no longer be viewed on Instagram.

Palestinian news agencies including the Quds News Network began resharing screenshots of the posts on Instagram and X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, sparking supporters of Palestinian rights to boycott the chain’s products.


Hamas Denies it Slaughtered Civilians on Oct. 7

By: David Isaac – Jewish News Syndicate;

The Islamist group’s about-face is in part driven by fear of destruction as the IDF closes in, says one expert on the Arab world.

Hamas on Sunday released a statement denying its members committed atrocities on Oct. 7.

The denial is a complete reversal for the terrorist group and a total disavowal of its own footage, after it supplied GoPro cameras to its operatives so that they could capture for posterity their horrific deeds on that day.

“Avoiding harm to civilians, especially children, women and elderly people, is a religious and moral commitment by all the Al-Qassam Brigades’ fighters,” Hamas stated in the 16-page document, claiming it only targeted Israeli military sites. (The Al-Qassam Brigades is Hamas’s so-called military wing.)

“We reiterate that the Palestinian resistance was fully disciplined and committed to the Islamic values during the operation and that the Palestinian fighters only targeted the occupation soldiers and those who carried weapons against our people,” it added, saying that its members were “keen to avoid harming civilians” and that any such targeting was by accident.

The claim is astonishing given the hours of footage taken by the organization’s members in which they’re seen shooting innocent Israelis throughout Oct. 7.


UN Denies Knowledge of Hamas Tunnels Despite Gaza Presence

However, UNRWA officials sounded the alarm on the presence of tunnels under U.N. facilities twice in 2017, and again in 2021 and 2022.

By: Mark Wagenheim, Jewish News Syndicate (reprinted by United with Israel;

Despite the presence of a Hamas terror tunnel system in the Gaza Strip now thought to be larger in scale than the London Underground, the United Nations insists it had no idea the tunnels were being built.

Asked on Wednesday whether, given the United Nations’ sizable presence in Gaza via a variety of agencies, there had been any indication to the global body that tunnels were being constructed underground, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “No is clearly the answer for that.”

Spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters that “it seems to me that all this infrastructure was built in a highly secretive way.”

However, officials from the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) sounded the alarm on the presence of tunnels under U.N. facilities twice in 2017, and again in 2021 and 2022.

UNRWA alone has 13,000 employees in over 300 facilities across Gaza. At least a dozen other U.N. agencies operate in Gaza. It has been well documented that many U.N. employees in Gaza have professional and personal ties to Hamas.

Still, Dujarric insisted that the United Nations was unaware of the sophisticated labyrinth of tunnels being dug and fortified throughout Gaza.

“I mean, just to see it as an observer, to think that the U.N. had any understanding of what was…any information about those operations, I think, is: No is clearly the answer for that,” he said.


Hitler Wasn’t Available: NY Times Runs Article by Hamas Official

Giving the enemy a platform for its propaganda.

The New York Times wants you to weep for the people of Gaza, and for what Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, which Gazans cheered in large numbers, has brought upon them. In service of that goal, on Christmas Eve the Paper of Record ran a weepy piece by a prominent Gazan, someone who has witnessed the Israeli incursion firsthand. Did the Times give this plumb editorial space to a “moderate” Gazan, a known foe of the Hamas regime, one of those “innocent Palestinians” who have nothing, nothing whatsoever, to do with Hamas? Uh, not quite.

“I Am Gaza City’s Mayor. Our Lives and Culture Are in Rubble,” was written by Yahya R. Sarraj and published in the Times on Sunday. The Times identifies the author in terms that make him sound like an airy, inoffensive intellectual: “Dr. Sarraj is the mayor of Gaza City and a former rector of the University College of Applied Sciences there. He wrote from Gaza City.”

Yahya R. Sarraj, you see, is no terrorist, he’s a mild-mannered professor. But what the Times doesn’t bother to remind its hapless readers about is the fact that Hamas controls Gaza, and no one can hold the position of being mayor of the largest city in the Gaza Strip without being either an active Hamas member or entirely sympathetic with the terror group’s outlook and goals. Sarraj even alludes to this matter-of-factly in his piece, writing: “One of my major goals after the Hamas administration appointed me mayor in 2019 was to improve the city’s seafront and foster the opening of small businesses along it to create jobs.”


Hundreds of Christian Students March for Hostages’ Safe Return

300 Christian students march to the U.S. Capitol to pray for the safe return of the Israeli hostages.

By: Israel National News;

Around 300 Christian students marched towards the U.S. Capitol on January 7, wearing shirts that read: “Christians Stand With Israel.” They held signs with pictures of Israeli hostages and prayed together for their safe return.

“We are here in our nation’s capital to demonstrate that there are young Christians in America who stand with Israel and the Jewish community,” CEO of Passages Scott Phillips said. “We will always equip our thousands of alumni to stand against the evils of antisemitism and to build lasting bridges of friendship with Israel.”

The march took place after a weekend of Israel engagement for the students, when Passages alumni, partners and staff, and students whose winter trips to Israel were canceled due to the Israel-Hamas war gathered for Israel engagement programs.

Because many young people couldn’t travel to Israel this winter, Passages brought Israel to them through an educational experience in Washington, D.C. in which young Christians were equipped as advocates for their faith and for Israel and the Jewish community.

In a session about the connection between the Christian faith and advocacy for Israel and the Jewish people, Vice President of Marketing and emcee of the conference Mattanah DeWitt said: “The definition of what’s right came from God through the Jewish people. God promised Abraham in Genesis 12 to bless all the nations of the world through his family. And God promises us today, that those who bless the descendants of Abraham will also be blessed.”


100 Jewish Youngsters Make Aliyah to Enlist in IDF

By: Noam Dvir – Israel Today;

An interview with three who left family and friends behind to defend the Jewish state.

Some 100 young Jewish men and women from around the world have decided to make Aliyah and enlist in the IDF as Israel wages war against the Hamas terrorist organization.

In a month they will put on their uniforms. Meanwhile, they are completing a preparatory course run by the Defense Ministry’s Defense and Society Department. The course is taking place at an immigrant absorption center in Karmiel, in the Galilee—an area where strikes by the Lebanese-based Hezbollah terror group are a daily occurrence and the threat of a major confrontation looms.

During the four-week program, the participants will prepare physically and mentally for their service, study Hebrew and get to know Israeli society.

“About 100 Jewish youngsters from the Diaspora chose to leave their families, friends and work to come to Israel and volunteer for the IDF,” Udi Dror, head of recruitment at the Defense and Society Department, said. “They do this at a time of war to take part in the defense of Israel. This is not taken for granted. We support them upon their arrival in Israel and will continue to do so throughout their entire military service.”


Eighteen-year-old Esther Brown from Mexico