Hamas Defector Tells Pro-Palestinian Activists They Belong in ‘a Mental Asylum’ in Brutal Debate

‘Pro-Palestine people need to go to a mental asylum,’ says Hamas defector Mosab Hassan Yousef

By: Hannah Grossman – Fox News; foxnews.com

Pro-Palestinian activists were left seemingly dumbfounded after Dr. Phil brought a former Hamas member on his show to dismantle their arguments. 

One student tried to accuse the former Hamas member, who originally hails from Ramallah, of peddling “colonial rhetoric.”

“Dr. Phil Primetime” invited Palestinian activists — Salma and Zaynab from the University of Michigan — to debate the issues with Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian ex-militant who defected to Israel in 1997. Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, worked as an undercover agent for the Jewish state’s Shin Bet intelligence wing.

“It’s very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing, while Hamas does not respect any of those followers, while those followers don’t know that Hamas would torture them and massacre them with no mercy. They call them useful idiots. They don’t know that Hamas is a dark black hole,” Yousef said on an April 2 episode of “Dr. Phil Primetime.” 

“[Pro-Palestinians are] absolutely idiots because they don’t know what they are supporting. They are supporting a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East, pushing the world towards a global war. … What’s happening is insanity. Those pro-Palestine people need to go to a mental asylum.”



Breaking News – Israel expects Iranian attack within upcoming 48 hours – WSJ

An individual who was briefed by Iranian regime leadership stated “no final decision has been made” as attack plans have been discussed.

By: Jerusalem Post Staff – jpost.com

Iran is expected to attack Israel between the next 24 to 48 hours, with an exclusive Thursday report by the Wall Street Journal saying that the Jewish state is “preparing for a direct attack” on the north or south of the country.

The report cited an individual who was briefed by Iranian regime leadership stated, “no final decision has been made” as attack plans have been discussed.

The attack is in response to the alleged Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which killed several members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force. Tehran then publicly threatened to respond to the attack.

A previous Wednesday report from Bloomberg, citing US intelligence reports, said that the US and allies predicted that an Iranian attack on Israel “could be imminent.” However, the WSJ cited a source saying that the attack could be “within Israel’s borders.”



‘Most evangelical Christians intimidated into silence’ on Israel-Hamas war, pastor says

Rev. Peter Fast: “The world is forgetting the events of Oct. 7 and minimizing them. We must speak up.”

By: Etgar Lefkovits – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

[March 29, 2024] Most evangelical Christians around the world are being intimidated into silence by a vociferous “social justice” camp that is fanning a false narrative on Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza and being presented by the global media, the head of a Jerusalem-based evangelical organization said this week ahead of Easter Sunday.

Rev. Peter Fast’s remarks during the Christian Holy Week come as public opinion polls have shown a drop in support for Israel, including among young evangelicals as the war in Gaza grinds on, and as the oldest Black Protestant Church in the United States has gone so far as to call for a halt to American aid to the Jewish State.

“The Evangelical Church is at a crossroads now,” Fast, who heads the Bridges for Peace Ministry in Jerusalem, told JNS in a pre-Easter interview. “The Church is being tested.”

The evangelical leader said that it was critical for Christians to make their voices heard at a time of darkness when the world is minimizing the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre, which triggered the nearly six-month-old war against the Islamist terror group, and denying the Biblical roots of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland.



‘Revitalized’ PA includes brazen terror supporters

By including open supporters of terrorism in its new government, the Palestinian Authority is making a mockery of the U.S. demand for “revitalization.”

By: Itamar Marcus – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

The Palestinian Authority has announced a new government as part of its fulfillment of the U.S. demand that it “revitalize” ahead of taking power in Gaza after the elimination of Hamas. However, for the P.A., “revitalization” does not preclude religious incitement to terror and demonizing Jews as “apes and pigs,” supporting terror and terrorists or rejecting Israel’s legitimacy as a state.

Muna al-Khalili, the P.A.’s new Minister of Women’s Affairs, is an outspoken terror supporter, having publicly glorified the murder of 37 Israeli civilians. As chairwoman of the PLO General Union of Palestinian Women, al-Khalili spoke at an event in 2018 honoring Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most murderous terror attack in Israel’s history prior to Oct. 7. On March 11, 1978, Mughrabi led a team of PLO terrorists who hijacked a civilian bus and murdered 37 civilians, including 12 children and American photographer Gail Rubin.

In her speech, which was reported in the official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on March 12, 2018, al-Khalili praised the murders as a “quality resistance operation.” She also praised the decision to appoint a woman to lead the massacre, calling Mughrabi the “head of a squad of self-sacrificing fighters [fedayeen]” and saying that she “proved that Palestinian women are capable of carrying out the most difficult missions.”

Three weeks after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, al-Khalili brazenly supported Palestinians’ right to “resist”—the P.A. euphemism for terror and murder. She also denied Israel’s right to exist in any borders, calling Israel an “occupation for the past 75 years,” i.e., since Israel’s founding.



This is what they are chanting on the Temple Mount

Just so you know the focus of Ramadan prayers. Op-ed.

By: Barry Shaw – Israel National News (Arutz Sheva); israelnationalnews.com

Just so you know.

This is what they have been chanting on the Temple Mount during their devout Ramadan prayers…

Cries in praise of Hamas:

“Khyber Khyber Ya Yehud Jish Muhammad Suf Ya’ud” translation – Jews, remember the battle of Khyber (of Prophet Muhammad against the Jews of Khyber)… Muhammad’s army will return.

Additional chants:

“We are the descendants of Ahmed Yassin (founder of Hamas-AA)”

“Raise a sword against a sword, We are the people of Muhammad Deif.” (Currently hiding underground with Yehiye Sinwar, protected by the human shields in the form of Israeli girls and Jewish mothers and children they snatched as hostages on 7 October.)”

“We will sacrifice our lives for you Sinwar…”

Of course, our Israeli police must not disturb them. It might cause a global backlash against Israel if they do.

The progressive Western world may take our reaction to be racist and Islamophobic. Heaven forfend.

So, better to let them shout out their Jew hatred, bigotry and threats, than we be considered racist.

Oh, the global hypocrisy!

Courtesy of Abu Ali Express and shown around the Arab speaking world, including to those living in the West.


White House Doubles Down on Pushing for Netanyahu’s Removal as Israel Approves Rafah Military Plan

By: Chris Mitchell – CBN News; cbn.com

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on comments by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer calling for him to be replaced. Over the weekend, President Joe Biden stood behind Schumer’s statements, intensifying the face-off between Israel and the United States.

Netanyahu went on multiple U.S. networks to respond to Schumer and the White House.

“I think (Sen. Chuck) Schumer’s statements are wholly inappropriate,” Netanyahu stated. “I think we’re not a banana republic. The people of Israel will choose when they’ll have elections, who they elect, and it’s not something that will be foisted upon us that, you know, it’s wrong to try to replace the elected leaders of a sister democracy and a staunch American ally at any time, but especially during the time of war.”

On CNN, Netanyahu compared the call for new elections during Israel’s war with Hamas to America’s war with Al Qaeda.

“It’s like after 9/11 – you’re in the midst of fighting the war against Al-Qaeda, and an Israeli would say, You know, what we need now is either new elections in the U.S., or if your system doesn’t allow it, then President Bush should resign and we should have an alternative leader. You don’t do that to a sister democracy, to an ally.”  

Last week, an Israeli poll showed U.S. hostility has actually strengthened Netanyahu and his coalition against his political rivals, with the majority of Israelis supporting his wartime goals.


Who Wants a Two-State Solution? Not Israelis or Palestinians

The US obsession with a two-state solution clearly goes against the will of the Israeli public, and certainly does not mesh with what the Palestinians want.

US Senator Chuck Schumer believes the Palestinian people “want what any other people want: peace, security and prosperity.”

Clearly, however, the Palestinians do not want peace. They themselves acknowledge that they do not “want what any other people want.” Instead, they want terrorism and the annihilation of the Jewish state.

Multiple polls have shown that the majority of Palestinian civilians support Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre and the idea of a Palestinian state in the 1948 borders, meaning the destruction of Israel.

A new survey by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR), released on Wednesday, shows that a vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza (71%) support Hamas’s decision to carry out the Oct. 7 massacre, compared to 57% in December.

The poll also shows a rise in Palestinian support for the terrorist Marwan Barghouti if he were to run in elections against Hamas terrorist leader Ismail Haniyeh. Were Haniyeh to run against Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinians would prefer Haniyeh.



Hamas Attack ‘Weapon of Mass Distraction’ as Iran Goes Nuclear

A former Israeli national security adviser tells JNS that Hamas’s attack could be part of multi-staged plan devised by Tehran leadership.

By: Yaakov Lappin – Israel Today; israeltoday.co.il

Israel needs to be prepared for the possibility of conducting high-intensity strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon and on Iran’s nuclear program simultaneously, a former senior Israeli defense official told JNS in recent days.

Brig. Gen. (res.) Professor Jacob Nagel, former acting national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ex-head of Israel’s National Security Council, is currently a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a professor at the Technion‒Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Nagel raised the possibility of a multi-staged Iranian strategy to go nuclear, involving regional proxies keeping Israel and the world distracted with conflicts.

Iran may have activated a “weapon of mass distraction” in order to make progress on building weapons of mass destruction, its nuclear program,” said Nagel. The possibility of a long-term Iranian plan—with a secret timetable and multiple stages—must be taken seriously, he said.

The first stage of such a plan begins with the mass-murder attack launched on Oct. 7 against southern Israel by Hamas in Gaza, which, even though it likely occurred without prior coordination with Iran on its timing, still serves Iran’s interests and could not have happened without Iranian support for Hamas.


After uproar, Schumer clarifies: Israel has the right to choose its own leaders

Senate Majority Leader seeks to clarify remarks against the Israeli government which caused a firestorm: The US cannot dictate the outcome of an election.

By: Elad Benari – Israel National News; israelnationalnews.com

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Thursday sought to clarify his remarks against the Israeli government which caused a firestorm.

“The US cannot dictate the outcome of an election. That is for the Israeli public to decide,” he wrote in a post on social media.

“As a democracy, Israel has the right to choose its own leaders. But the important thing is that Israelis are given a choice. There needs to be a fresh debate about the future,” he added.

Earlier, Schumer gave a speech in which he called for new elections to be held in Israel, saying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has lost his way.” He further called the Prime Minister an “obstacle to peace.”

“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel,” he said. “The Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.”

The Likud Party strongly condemned Schumer’s speech, saying, “Israel is not a banana republic but an independent and proud democracy that elected Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu leads a determined policy that is supported by a huge majority of the people.”



[A “Very Senior”] Israeli Official: Biden Seeking to Oust Netanyahu

“We expect our friends to act to overthrow the terror regime of Hamas and not the elected government in Israel,” said the official.

By: Israel Today Staff; israeltoday.co.il

A “very senior” Israeli official on Tuesday slammed a US intelligence report that claimed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government “may be in jeopardy,” amid ongoing criticism by the Biden administration over Jerusalem’s prosecution of the war against Hamas.

“Those who elect the prime minister of Israel are the citizens of Israel and no one else,” according to a statement issued to the media on behalf of the official.

“Israel is not a protectorate of the US but rather an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who elect the government. We expect our friends to act to overthrow the terror regime of Hamas and not the elected government in Israel,” added the official.

The statement followed Monday’s publication of the “2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community,” which outlined Washington’s expectation that large demonstrations will force Netanyahu’s resignation and bring about the replacement of his right-wing government with a “more moderate” coalition.

