Israel Setting Up Field Hospital in Ukraine

By: Emily Jones – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is setting up a field hospital in Ukraine to serve those trapped in the war with Russia.

The field hospital will include treatments for children and adults, an intensive care unit, a delivery room and first aid clinic, Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced.

“We are acting on our moral duty, we increase the humanitarian aid and we extend our help to the Ukrainian People,” said Minister of Health, Nitzan Horovitz. “The Ministry of Health sent aircrafts with medical equipment and medicines and now we will also establish a field hospital to aid the refugees on the scene. The Ministry of Health and the State of Israel stand clearly on the side of the Ukrainian People. We shall continue to assist, as much as needed, in saving the lives of civilians whose lives were destroyed in a moment.

The field hospital will be operated by Israel’s Sheba Medical Center, Clalit Healthcare Services and medical staff from other hospitals.


Did the Prophet Ezekiel Predict Russia’Invasion of Ukraine?

By: Michael Brown – The Christian Post;

According to Pat Robertson, Vladimir Putin is being “compelled by God” to invade Ukraine. Indeed, “He went into the Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately.” And, according to Robertson, this was all prophesied by Ezekiel, who lived more than 2,500 years ago. Is this true?

Over on the Bible Prophecy News website, Dr. Bob Thiel asks, “On February 24, 2022, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin announced a ‘special military operation’ into Ukraine. Are Jewish sources correct that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the start of the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38? Are Protestant sources, and people like Trumpet editor Gerald Flurry right that Vladimir Putin is the ‘prince of Rosh/Rush’? Does Ezekiel 38 include Russia? What are some of the other nations involved in Ezekiel 38? Does this battle happen BEFORE or well AFTER Jesus returns? Can you know the answer from the actual passages in Ezekiel 38?”

A Christian Zionist website makes this claim (note that this was posted on December 10, 2021, so more than two months before the Russian invasion): Based on Ezekiel 38-39, the armies that will one day invade Israel “include Russia and Turkey from the north, Sudan/Libya (possibly including Algeria and Tunisia) from the south and west, and Iran from the east. Consequently, sometime in the future, an enormous military force surrounds Israel, which is far beyond their capacity to defeat. God alone can deliver them from annihilation, which Ezekiel reveals He does (38:17–23; 39:1–6).”


Russia’s War on Ukraine: Are we Living in the End Times?

By: Anugrah Kumar – The Christian Post;

Is Russia’s war on Ukraine a significant event in terms of prophecies recorded in the Bible? As many Christians debate this question, Southern California Pastor Greg Laurie explains why he believes we are living in the End Times.

“This is war at a scale we have not seen in a long time,” Laurie, senior pastor and founder of the multi-campus Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, says in a video message posted on his church’s website, referring to Matthew 24:6, which reads, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.”

The following verse, he adds, talks about plagues being around us in the last days. “If the coronavirus is not a plague, I don’t know what it is. It’s a global plague.”

Many Bible scholars believe that the mention of Magog attacking Israel in Ezekiel 38 is modern-day Russia, he continues.

According to another prophecy in Ezekiel, Jewish people will be scattered and regathered in their land again, which has been fulfilled, Laurie continues, explaining that during World War II and after the Holocaust, Jewish people from around the world began to return to their land. And Israel officially became a nation on May 14, 1948.”

But Scripture also says that a nation from the extreme north of Israel, called Gog and Magog, will march on her, he says, adding that Ukraine used to be a part of the Russian Empire until 1991.


Urgent Aliyah: Israel Prepares for Thousands of Ukrainian Immigrants

By: Julie Stahl – CBN News;

Israel is scrambling here and in Europe to pave the way for thousands of Ukrainian Jews to immigrate to Israel.  The first three flights are expected Sunday in Tel Aviv. One of them is bringing 100 Ukrainian Jewish orphans.

The Jewish Agency for Israel is working together with Christians to help Jews trying to escape Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

“We are in touch with different communities and leaders of these communities – rabbis. We [are] helping them organize buses to the border. And then [at] the border, we meet these buses and we help them to cross this border to accommodate them in the neighboring countries,” said Roman Polonsky, Jewish Agency Regional Director for the Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Germany.


Iranians defy Khamenei, protest Putin outside Ukrainian embassy

By: Benjamin Weinthal – The Jerusalem Post;

Despite the Iranian regime’s ban of demonstrations against Putin, the group of Iranians declared “Death to Putin” in what might be an unprecedented move by anti-Putin Iranians.

Reports and video footage on Saturday show a group of Iranians assembled outside of Ukraine’s embassy in Tehran urging the collapse of Vladimir Putin’s government in an audacious protest against the Islamic Republic’s full-throttled support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Despite the Iranian regime’s ban of demonstrations against Putin, the group of Iranians declared “Death to Putin” in what might be an unprecedented move by anti-Putin Iranians.  

“Bravo to Iranian compatriots who gathered in front of Ukrainian Embassy in Tehran to show solidarity with victims of Putin’s aggression. They reminded the world that Islamic President [Ebrahim] Raisi, a Putin protege, doesn’t represent the views of our people. Protesters behaved with dignity,“ wrote Amir Taheri, a prominent Iranian journalist on Twitter.


100 tons of humanitarian aid en route from Israel to Ukraine

By: Carrie Keller-Lynn – The Times of Israel;

Three flights Monday evening and Tuesday carry medical supplies, systems that provide potable water, and winter gear

The final portion of Israel’s 100-ton humanitarian aid package to Ukraine was prepared for transport Tuesday morning at Ben Gurion Airport, with the El Al plane carrying the aid — preceded by two additional flights in the past hours — set to take off later in the day to Warsaw, for expected delivery in Ukraine this week.

“This is a gesture of friendship to the Ukrainian people,” said a representative from Mashav, a division of the Foreign Ministry that coordinates Israel’s national aid, as the third plane was being loaded.

“The mission, 100 tons in one day to Ukraine, is without precedent and we should be proud about it,” she said.

The aid includes 17 tons of medical equipment and medicine, water purification systems intended to supply 200,000 people, emergency water supply kits to supply 100,000 people, winter tents to house 3,000, 15,000 blankets, 3,000 sleeping bags, and 2,700 winter coats.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid finalized the contents of the package, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.


Netanyahu: New Iran nuclear deal will ‘bring war, and then another war’

By: Alex Traiman – Jewish News Syndicate;

The new agreement taking shape will pave the way for Iran to become a nuclear threshold state, says former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “It is a horrible deal. We should oppose it with every fiber of our being.”

Former Israeli prime minister and current opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of American Jewish leaders on Tuesday that the nuclear deal with Iran taking shape in Vienna would lead to war.

“This deal will bring war. This deal that [the Americans and world powers] are coming back to,” he said. “This region will become a nuclear tinderbox. This will bring war, and then another war,” he said. “We are going from a bad deal to a worse deal.”

Netanyahu made the remarks to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations’ Leadership Mission during their visit to the Knesset.

Having Iran sign a deal “doesn’t kick the can forward. It lightly nudges the can for two-and-a-half to three years,” said Netanyahu. “You’re not even kicking the can down the road, which by the way, is a nuclear can,” he added. The new deal, he continued, is essentially a “seal of approval” for Iran to become a nuclear threshold state.

“It is a horrible deal. We should oppose it with every fiber of our being,” he emphasized.


America’s Future Depends on Our Relationship with Israel

By: Dr. David Jeremiah – The Jerusalem Post;

Opinion: “I’m an unapologetic believer in the promises God has laid out in Scripture,” writes Dr. David Jeremiah.

Shadow Mountain Church Community is proudly a Zionist church that cherishes the Jews in our community, in Israel and around the world.

This has generally been our history in the United States since the first 23 Jewish immigrants landed in New Amsterdam (later New York City) in 1654.

Space prevents me from retelling the entire story of the mutual affection expressed between a Jewish congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, and the newly elected president George Washington. But after a visit to Newport, the president wrote to the congregation, “May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while everyone shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”


‘Very Moving’: CNN Reporter Pauses Live as Ukrainians Kneel to Pray in Stunning Moment After Putin Launches War

By: Billy Hallowell – CBN News;

CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward encountered a powerful prayer scene Thursday inside Ukraine — and she took to the airwaves, where she called the emotional moment “very moving.”

The invocation perfectly captured the painful uncertainty inside Ukraine as citizens continue to endure explosions, chaos, and apprehension amid Russia’s brutal invasion of the sovereign nation.

“I think this … really speaks to the sort of desperation of this moment,” Ward told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We just see a small group of people … have gathered in the main square, and they are kneeling and praying because right now there is clearly a sense of having no idea what is coming down the pipeline, what is in store.”


Christians: It’s Time to Return to Israel

By: Rev. Johnnie Moore – The Jerusalem Post;

Opinion: “What a gift from God to us to marvel at His beauty, painted in the sky, reflected on His Holy City,” writes Rev. Johnnie Moore.

Have you ever felt Jerusalem?

At this point, I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it. But every time, I also feel like it’s the first time.

If you’ve been here, you know exactly what I’m saying. Seeing Jerusalem bathed in the sun’s golden hue at sunset or at sunrise feels supernatural. It’s jarring. This feeling is itself a reason why countless millions believe so profoundly in God. It’s like this Holy City jumps off of earth into one’s heart. When it does, it demands something from you.

I sometimes think: What if one of the reasons God made the sun was just to illuminate Jerusalem? What a gift from God to us to marvel at His beauty, painted in the sky, reflected on His Holy City.
