A former Israeli national security adviser tells JNS that Hamas’s attack could be part of multi-staged plan devised by Tehran leadership.

By: Yaakov Lappin – Israel Today; israeltoday.co.il

Israel needs to be prepared for the possibility of conducting high-intensity strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon and on Iran’s nuclear program simultaneously, a former senior Israeli defense official told JNS in recent days.

Brig. Gen. (res.) Professor Jacob Nagel, former acting national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ex-head of Israel’s National Security Council, is currently a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a professor at the Technion‒Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Nagel raised the possibility of a multi-staged Iranian strategy to go nuclear, involving regional proxies keeping Israel and the world distracted with conflicts.

Iran may have activated a “weapon of mass distraction” in order to make progress on building weapons of mass destruction, its nuclear program,” said Nagel. The possibility of a long-term Iranian plan—with a secret timetable and multiple stages—must be taken seriously, he said.

The first stage of such a plan begins with the mass-murder attack launched on Oct. 7 against southern Israel by Hamas in Gaza, which, even though it likely occurred without prior coordination with Iran on its timing, still serves Iran’s interests and could not have happened without Iranian support for Hamas.


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