By: John Waage – Christian Broadcasting Network;

Perhaps to remind Israelis that Israel’s governing coalition has been working on other issues besides judicial reform, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting to announce goals and progress in three other areas: connecting the country with a high-speed rail network, fighting inflation by lowering prices on consumer goods, and accelerating Israel’s involvement in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

On the transportation front, the prime minister announced the launching of the “One Israel” project, “to link the entire country with a fast railway from Kiryat Shemona (in Israel’s far north) to Eilat (Israel’s southernmost city).”

“This project is underway with 100-billion shekel ($27 billion) multi-year budget, he said, adding, “My vision is that every citizen in the country will be able to go to and from the center of the country, from anywhere in the state, in less than two hours.”

Netanyahu also suggested that the rail line would one day be connected to Saudi Arabia as the Biden administration apparently warms to the idea of fostering improved relations between Israel and the Desert Kingdom.


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