Knesset testimony exposes flagrant peace violations by Palestinian leaders and educators. Is the world listening?

By: Ryan Jones – Israel Today;

A young Palestinian Arab resident of eastern Jerusalem appeared before the Knesset Education Committee on Sunday to expose the incitement to anti-Israel terrorism being taught in schools in the Israeli capital.

The young man, who was identified only as “E” and had his face covered for his own safety, was brought to the Knesset by Israeli Arab Christian activist Yoseph Haddad.

Haddad began by calling out virulently anti-Israel Member of Knesset Ahmad Tibi, who conspicuously left the committee session before E had a chance to speak.

“It’s a shame MK Ahmad Tibi left before having the opportunity to hear a genuinely courageous voice from eastern Jerusalem, but I knew he’d do that, I knew he wouldn’t engage,” said Haddad.

E told the committee that he was “educated at a school that taught the Palestinian curriculum, from first grade until graduation. And from the very start I was taught that there is no State of Israel. I learned that we are Palestinians and that we are under occupation…”


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