The IAEA struck a deal with Iran that provides minimal monitoring of the nuclear program

By: Anders Hagstrom – Fox News;

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) closed two investigations into Iran’s nuclear program this week after drastically limiting the monitoring equipment installed at Iranian sites.

Israeli expressed frustration with the IAEA for what they argue is lax enforcement that could lead to Iran obtaining dangerous nuclear material. The IAEA was working to reinstall monitoring equipment that Iran had ordered removed after withdrawing from its 2015 nuclear deal, but the organization has only put a slim amount of equipment in place.

The IAEA also agreed to close two investigations into aspects of Iran’s nuclear program as part of the negotiations seeking a reinstallation of monitoring equipment. Israeli officials blasted that move as shortsighted.

“Closing the case could have extremely dangerous consequences, and it conveys a message to the Iranians that they are not required to pay a price for their violations and that they can continue to deceive the international community on their way to achieving a full military nuclear program,” a spokesman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Thursday.


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