Israel National News;

Meir Tamari, 32 and the married father of two young children, is identified as the Israeli civilian brutally murdered near Hermesh.

The Israeli man brutally murdered near the town of Hermesh in northern Samaria has been identified as Meir Tamari, a 32-year-old Hermesh resident.

Tamari, who was shot dead by terrorists on Tuesday afternoon, is married and the father of two children, ages one and three.

Tamari moved to Hermesh four years ago, after marrying his wife, who grew up in the town. Just recently, the couple finished building their home.

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, said, “This is very difficult news. Our heart breaks together with that of the entire family, the town, and the entire nation of Israel. It hurts so much to say this now, but we all understand: The writing was on the wall. We could have prevented this terror attack. This terror attack occurred just meters from a checkpoint which, if it were active, this terror attack would have been prevented.”


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