By: Chris Mitchell – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel – Jewish and Christian leaders recently gathered at Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to talk about the Bible. The discussion centered on how scripture says the law of the Lord will come out of Jerusalem.

The religious leaders focused on a key verse from the Hebrew scriptures.

Micah, chapter 4, verse 2 says, “For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

Rabbi Yehuda Glick of the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation, explained, “And to understand that the word (of the) Torah and the word of HaShem (the Lord) does not belong to the Jewish people. It’s the word of HaShem to all nations. And we heard different implementations, different impacts of the word, these words to different people from different countries and how they connect and how the light of HaShem goes out from Jerusalem.”

The meeting represented the 7th Knesset Bible study, an idea birthed between Rabbi Glick and Dr. Jim Garlow and his wife Rosemary, founders of Well Versed Ministries.


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