By: Israel Today Staff;

Top PLO officials hail blow to Netanyahu government and say it’s clearly time to abandon America as an honest peace broker.

What’s being hailed in the United States and Israel as a major diplomatic failure is cause for celebration among the Palestinian Authority.

The surprise China-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran presumably hobbles Israel’s efforts to normalize relations with the Arab world, while bolstering the Jewish state’s primary regional foe and the chief backer of Palestinian terror groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

“The Palestinian Presidency appreciates the Chinese role that contributed to reaching the agreement,” read a statement released by the Palestinian Authority. “We hope that the agreement will lead to stability and enhance the positive atmosphere in the region.”

For Israel and the West, any deal that aids the ambitions of the ayatollahs in Tehran can only lead to instability and more belligerence in the Middle East.


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