There is evidence of a spirit of contrition among many Gentile Christians, whose eyes are being opened to the place of Israel in God’s purposes.

By: Charles Gardner – Israel Today;

The blindness that once afflicted Israel over their Messiah (Romans 11:8) in due time affected Christians who themselves became blinded to the key role of those who continue to be the “apple of God’s eye” (Zechariah 2:8).

But now the scales are falling off the eyes of both Jew and Gentile. In Israel, there is growing recognition of the significance of Jesus, and indeed of the great wealth of support from the evangelical constituency, especially in America. Alongside this is the growing movement of Messianic Jews, both in Israel and abroad. And these Jewish followers of Jesus are making an increasing impact in Israel. Their stand may not be ‘kosher’ among Orthodox Jews, but many practicing and secular Jews have been taking note.

This no doubt includes the likes of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who sees the state of Israel as the fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophecy of dry bones coming to life. All of which suggests that the day long foretold when a great number of Jews will recognise “the one they have pierced” (Zechariah 12:10, Romans 11:26) is rapidly approaching.


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