By: Shahar Klaiman and Tamir Morag – Israel Hayom;

The Wall Street Journal claims Riyadh is engaging in “serious talks” with Jerusalem about establishing business ties, and bolstering security coordination.

Riyadh and Jerusalem do not maintain official diplomatic ties, the Gulf kingdom “is expanding secretive talks with Israeli leaders” and the move “could reshape Middle East politics and end decades of enmity between two of the region’s most influential nations,” the report said.

The Saudis have so far held out on joining the Abraham Accords, saying any such progress was dependent on progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, but according to the report, the administration of US President Joe Biden is actively mediating between the two with the aim of declaring bilateral steps that could facilitate normalization at a later stage.

According to the Wall Street Journal report, the conservative Islamic kingdom “senses a shift” in its public toward establishing official relations with the Jewish state.


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