By: Matt Galka – CBN News;

More than $150 million – that’s what the Palestinian Authority paid to the families of terrorists in 2020. Their “Pay to Slay” policy is still in force, using your American tax dollars to fund terror campaigns.

In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act to cut off certain economic aid to the Palestinians to stop the practice of rewarding terrorism. Now, more legislation is needed to finish the task.

Taylor Force’s family is hoping Congress can go a step further to try and end those payments.

Not a day goes by when Stuart Force doesn’t think about his son Taylor who was taken from the world six years ago. “Probably more like an hour goes by that we don’t miss Taylor. There will always be an emptiness,” said Force.

Taylor Force was a U.S. Army veteran murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel in 2016. His family made it their mission to end the Palestinian Authority’s so-called “Pay to Slay” policy, where the PA pays stipends to the families of the terrorists who commit the crimes. 

“It’s sad to say, but the same countries that are hell-bent on destroying the United States, destroying Israel, have no problem using U.S. dollars to fund their terror campaigns,” said Stuart Force.


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