By: Anugrah Kumar – The Christian Post;

Is Russia’s war on Ukraine a significant event in terms of prophecies recorded in the Bible? As many Christians debate this question, Southern California Pastor Greg Laurie explains why he believes we are living in the End Times.

“This is war at a scale we have not seen in a long time,” Laurie, senior pastor and founder of the multi-campus Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, says in a video message posted on his church’s website, referring to Matthew 24:6, which reads, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.”

The following verse, he adds, talks about plagues being around us in the last days. “If the coronavirus is not a plague, I don’t know what it is. It’s a global plague.”

Many Bible scholars believe that the mention of Magog attacking Israel in Ezekiel 38 is modern-day Russia, he continues.

According to another prophecy in Ezekiel, Jewish people will be scattered and regathered in their land again, which has been fulfilled, Laurie continues, explaining that during World War II and after the Holocaust, Jewish people from around the world began to return to their land. And Israel officially became a nation on May 14, 1948.”

But Scripture also says that a nation from the extreme north of Israel, called Gog and Magog, will march on her, he says, adding that Ukraine used to be a part of the Russian Empire until 1991.


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