Dear Family:

I don’t mean to be facetious when I address you that way, brothers and sisters, but this is a Christmas letter and I wouldn’t be able s end that to my real family since they don’t celebrate Christmas. As I grew up in our Jewish home, I watched with wonder as my gentile friends received their presents, some of them purchased at my father’s store, and I must say, I envied them. “What a friend we have in Jesus,” my father used to say in all good humor as we counted up register at the store on Christmas Eve!

Now I can say in the deepest sincerity, “What a friend we have in Jesus, indeed.” He doesn’t just give us an eternal life to come, but also wonderful and important things to do in this life. All of you know what I do. You’ve. seen the TV show and you’ve written to us for our offerings. “ZOLA LEVITT LIVE” is a success because of you. You understand that we exist because of your gifts; there is no church or evangelistic association backing my ministry. The television show, its crew, the office staff, and all of the people who bring you “ZOLA LEVITT LIVE” are as dependent on the gifts of strangers as were Jesus and His apostles at the beginning of all this.

So first let me say thank you and Merry Christmas. The best Christmas present I can give you will be in the form of a special Christmas show, featuring Bob Bruenig of the Dallas Cowboys, Ethel Barrett and her wonderful Christmas story telling, and yet another appearance of our new baby, Aaron Michael Levitt. This will be shown locally on Christmas night and nationally during the following week. Be sure to watch this Christmas show and let us know how you like it.

Now I am not ashamed to ask you for a gift “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Rom. 1:16. I’m sure I don’t have to go into rapturous explanations about how powerful a national television ministry can be for the Lord’s service, nor how lacking the sort of teaching we do has been in the church. Jewish and gentile people are being reached powerfully in enormous numbers by “ZOLA LEVITT LIVE” and we desperately want to go on producing new shows. A new show costs $3,000.00 and a rerun about $600.00 and that’s the long and short of it. We have borne tremendous losses through the Fall because we brought you new shows.

You saw the film footage from Israel, the improved set, the extra camera, etc. Many of you were kind enough .to write to us and tell us that you certainly noticed the improvement in the show. As we go into the Spring season, we have a most difficult decision to make. We can rerun the older shows, or we can take the plunge and continue to produce fine new material.

We certainly would rather do the latter. America needs to be informed about the situation in Iran, for example — the true spiritual situation. The unbeliever has to see professional, expertly done Christian television to believe in us at all. We need your help. Your gift at this time will provide you an end of the year tax deduction which is an advantage to you and believe me, it will greatly further the work of winning souls. Believe me when I tell you that we talk to more people in thirty minutes on “ZOLA LEVITT LIVE” than the apostles talked to in the entire first century! If you cannot afford a gift we certainly understand. As you know from watching the show, we do not ask the poor to give and in fact, we give to them — they never have to pay for their books. But if you can see your way clear to add just one more Christmas present to your list, make it a check to “ZOLA LEVITT LIVE” and I promise you I’ll put it to the best of all possible uses. On a secular television show a blow hard lady was often heard to exclaim, “God will get you for this.” May I tell you, with all certainty, that “God will bless you for this.” God told my ancestor Abraham in Genesis 12:3 “I will bless them that bless thee!”

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for whatever you are able to do at this time, and again, have a most joyous and very Merry Christmas.

Yours in His love,

Matt. 25:40


Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars.

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