Dear Friends,

It’s time for a vote.

We have another opportunity to take out TV crew to Israel to make a new series of location programs. Judging by your past response to our Holy Places series we think we should go ahead with the new programming. Our chance to go is a month away and we need to hear from you at once as to whether we should do this.

The issues are as follows:

  1. The programs cost much more to make than local shows but they are much more appreciated by our viewers.
  2. El Al Airlines and the Israeli tour agency will be willing to transport and house the crew in return for acknowledgments on the programs, which we’ll be happy to provide.
  3. And finally, there are many Biblical and historic sites that just cry out for proper television coverage.

More than that, these are times when Israel simply needs a fair shake on television. With all the political TV programming and all the talk of which territory belongs to whom, Americans are simply forgetting that this is the Holy Land. This is not a Falkland Islands situation where crude secular powers blow up each other’s soldiers merely to save face. This is God’s country and that is the way it should be explained on television. Our program reaches millions of people with the simple reminder that we are speaking of the land of our King. There is so much more to Israel than a troubled village or a disputed border. I sincerely believe that God would have us realize that this is the land where He chose to place His holy mountain, His River Jordan, and His empty tomb.

The pointless coverage of Israel that characterizes the place as one big street fight degrades God’s Promised Land. It must be balanced by television coverage that honors that land.

Perhaps I’ve favored one side of the issue too much. From the above, anyone would conclude that we have to go and make these programs. But the fact is, we have very intelligent letters from our steady supporters asking if all this is really necessary. Would we not do as well producing good solid Bible teaching shows here at home? For the same money we could have more new programming and fewer reruns. We wouldn’t be stuck with those location production bills and we wouldn’t have to make all sorts of special appeals for funds down the line.

Another issue probably worth mentioning is that the vast majority of our viewers would never get to see the Biblical sites of Israel firsthand. Only a handful of you can afford to go on our tours and the rest have expressed deep appreciation of television which allows them to at least see what is there. For the sake of these people I personally favor going.

So I leave it to you. Please reply at once with your vote. We take your opinions seriously and we want to abide by your wishes. you’re in favor of of going to Israel it would be terrific if you would vote with a donation. Once we get started on a project like this, the bills arrive as reliably as fulfillments of prophecy. We have always been able to count on your support too, and truth to tell, a $10 bill from each one in favor would pay for this series, lock, stock and barrel.

At any rate, however you feel, we’d like you to tell us quick. It’s your program and your decision but we really need to get cracking. Thanks for praying about this and we’ll keep you posted.

In His love,

Zola Levitt


Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars.

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