Tour Status

May 2024We continue to stand in solidarity with Israel at this time of forestalling future assaults on the Jewish people and their Land! We pray and believe that Yeshua will bring complete resolution to the war and will make a way for us to return to Israel soon. Thus, we encourage you to make reservations to join us this fall or next spring for the study tour of a lifetime. Bring your family and/or some friends — your spiritual walk will never be the same!

EXCITING NEWS! Our beloved Bearded Bible Brothers — Joshua and Caleb Colson — will join our Fall 2024 tour. They have been with ZLM for many years and are now the Bible teachers on our weekly TV program Our Jewish Roots. They will lead tours alongside David and Kirsten Hart. With their wealth of Bible knowledge, these two Messianic Jewish brothers will add great insights and fun to our tours! Check out “Introducing the Bearded Bible Brothers.”

MORE GREAT NEWS! We hope to offer our Greece extension again in Fall 2025.

Please plan to join us in Israel and other lands of the Bible — and prepare to be amazed!

Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5.

Spring Tour


The Spring Tour occurs when the land has come to life with lush green fields and colorful flowers.

In addition to our eleven-day Israel tour, you can opt to include an extension to Petra, “the rose-red city half as old as time.”

For our Spring Tour, you may choose Israel only or a tour of Israel and Petra.

Upcoming dates

2025: March 24–April 6
24–33–6(tentative dates)
2026: March 16–29
16–2626–29(tentative dates)


Spring Tour Itinerary
General Tour Q&A

Further information

Ready to register?

Note: Please review the online tour brochure for updated Terms & Conditions.